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A Study on the Cultural Competence of the Staff in Saeil Center  

Sung, Hyang-Sook (부산가톨릭대학교 사회복지상담학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of the cultural competence of the staff in Saeil Center, which supports the self-reliance of immigrant women by marriage, and to find ways to improve their cultural competence. The assumption is that the higher cultural competence of the staff enhances the quality of their job training for immigrant women by marriage. I conducted the study from June to September, 2017, and in-depth interviewed the staffs from seven Saeil Centers across the country, who had been involved in the job training for immigrant women by marriage for at least three years. The interview data elicited 60 meaningful statements, 27 themes, and 11 thematic units, and I discussed, based on the findings, 1) the low level of contemplation of the staffs on the issues related to immigrant women 2) their limitations of friendly communication and altruistic stance 3) their own conscience of main stream and 4) insufficient cultural competence of the staffs as well as in terms of the organizational operation. Finally, I suggested the necessity of educational programs, and also emphasized the importance of developing multiculturalism in the centers.
Staffin the Saeil; Cultural Competence; Women by Marriage;
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  • Reference
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