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Making a Well-made Story in Choi Dong Hoon's Films with Ten Million Audiences  

Bae, Sang-Min (서강대학교 커뮤니케이션학부)
Publication Information
Choi Dong-hoon's films tend to have not been well treated academically in Korea. But from the point of view that his works have succeeded in box office and survived in the market for some reason, there seems to be new possibilities to treat them. In this paper, the two movies with ten million audiences, and that are Choi's original scenario and caper film genre are tried to examine the success factors in box office on "making well made story". Often, well-made films have both genre-customary and creative aspects. Choi Dong-hoon's movies are the same. and faithfully follow the rules of caper film genre. At the same time, these two films have complex adaptive systematic creativity, in which multiple characters are self-organizing with their story patterns actively. And since there is a proper coexistence of customary and original aspects in the and , these two films are seemed to be at the edge of the chaos, which is the most market adaptable.
Choi Dong Hoon; Complex Adaptive System; Edge of Chaos; ; ; Caper Film; Making a well-made Story;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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