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Facebook Users' Positive Self-Presentation toward Personal Characteristics  

Kim, Yoojung (수원대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of study was to ascertain whether Facebook users present themselves positively on Facebook. Also this study examined whether factors of self-efficacy, narcissism, and public/private self-consciousness affected positive self-presentation. The subjects for the study included 197 users who have been using Facebook. The analysis of behavioral attributes such as self-display, competency display, exemplary behavior display, etc, did not yield statistically high values to support users' positive self-presentation on Facebook. The results showed that self-efficacy, narcissism, and public self-consciousness have statistically significant influence on positive self-presentation. The study found that private self-consciousness did not have statistically significant influence on positive self-representation.
Self-presentation; Facebook; Social Network Service(SNS); Positive Self-presentation;
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