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The Discourse Research on Pop Culture Text through SNS - Focused on the Difference in Aesthetic Interpretation of IU's Song  

Woo, Jihye (성균관대학교)
Baek, Seon Gi (성균관대학교)
Publication Information
Criticism is related with recognition activity which is interpreting and evaluating the text based on the particular criteria. It reflects the awareness system of a particular time-period in that it is a work of social meanings beyond individual impressions. However, the standards of criticism have changed, like the awareness system has changed as economy, culture or technology has evolved. The emergence of SNS has influenced the field of popular culture. It improves the role and participation of the public in criticism. Moreover, it breaks the previous paradigm of production and consumption in cultural industry. These changes bring not only the positive ones, such as improvement of diversity and freedom of criticism, but also the negative one, confusion of values due to the absence of criteria. This study mainly concerned debates and discourses of SNS on , a new song of IU, and focused on changes of aesthetic evaluations of culture performer, producer and audience. Especially, the authors tried to find out how such new technology has changed the criticism, and how it has influenced on our aesthetic consciousness.
Popular Culture; Pop Culture Criticism; Aesthetic Interpretation; IU ; SNS;
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  • Reference
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