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The Law on Promoting Rationalization of Mansion Management in Japan  

Kang, Hyuck-Shin (조선대학교 법과대학)
Publication Information
The law on promoting rationalization of mansion management is the one that was enacted with the aim of enhancing stability of people's life and further of promoting sound development in national economy, by securing good residential environment of mansion in Japan. A rise in mansion, the distinct characteristics of a residential form that only mansion has, and the insufficiency of legal modification related to this are the issues that have been steadily proposed in academic circles and practical affairs in Japan. Also, in the managerial aspect, even problems about the operation of the management association, the maintenance & repair, the management contract on management agency in management association, and the correct transfer of design completion plan have been pointed out. To solve these problems, the law of rationalization was legislated. However, the law of rationalization can be ultimately evaluated to suggest its solution on a problem about forming agreement on mansion management. On the other hand, it is concerned about the management association and section owner in mansion, and about mansion that was progressed aging considerably. For example, it is proposing or suggesting duties in several forms caused by dwellers' diversity to local self-government. Thus, it is a fact that a number of difficulties exist in smoothly enforcing the law of rationalization.
Mansion; Condominium Ownership; Management;
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  • Reference
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11 鎌野邦樹. 山野目章夫 編. <マンション法>, 有斐閣, 2003, 5면.
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13 丸山英気, <区分所有法 改正版>, 大成出版社, 2007. 3., 416-417면.
14 丸山英気, <区分所有法 改正版>, 大成出版社, 2007. 3., 418면.
15 岡本正治, 宇仁美咲 共著, <マンション管理適正 化法の解説>, 大成出版社, 2001.10., 41면