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A Pre-school Teacher's Educational Meaning of an Activity : 'Discourse between Children through Books' in 3-year-old Children's Classroom  

Suh, Hye Jeong (제주한라대학교 유아교육과)
Yoon, Koung Ok (백석예술대학교 유아교육과)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.9, no.6, 2013 , pp. 339-368 More about this Journal
This study aims to discover how three-year-old children to search for existence and its meaning, while they participate a programme, 'discourse among children through books' as a way of resolving curiosities. Data were collected between April 2, September 10, 2010 and the collected data included teacher's class records, pictures, discussion notes and interview materials. The results showed that 'discourse among children through books' follows steps in a process. The steps include: Deciding a topic that children should search for, choosing an appropriate book to resolve children's curiosities, spending some time for discoursing among children by using pictures in the book, and sharing what they had understood. Through this process, a pre-school teacher met with children who were full of abilities, ideas and motivation to explore with a little assistance. The pre-school teacher was able to overcome preconceived ideas that informational books could be difficult for children, and experienced various lessons, while the children led their own learning. It represents that the activity, 'discourse among children through books' can be a children centered inquiry learning teaching strategy, because the informational books ensure that the children gain knowledge and are actively in cogitation.
informational book; discourse; 3-year-old; classroom; meaning;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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