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The Implications of the Animation Wall-E on Early Childhood Education  

Kang, Shin Young (부산대학교 유아교육과 BK21)
Cho, Eun Lae (부산대학교 유아교육과 BK21)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.8, no.1, 2012 , pp. 85-107 More about this Journal
The movie WALL-E shows the Earth which has been overrun with garbage and devoid of plant and animal life, and humans who try to restore the ecosystem. The aim of this study is to find the implications of children's education with a detailed analysis of the movie's theme. The analysis method is the interpretive analysis model that is one of the qualitative methods of data analysis based on the concept of Wolcott. First, the Earth is an abandoned planet covered in trash: the Axiom is a haven for morbidly obese and indolent people. The main area of the earth's destruction, and the captain's cabin is the place to find a clue to awakening and change. Second, with the lapse of time, the Axiom becomes a ship allowing their return to earth. The Earth, recognized as their homeland, turns in to the land of hope when people return. Third, the cleaning robot Wall-E, as a main agent of change, has changed humans as well as itself. The results showed that we found nature-friendly development, destruction of nature, the criticism of modern civilization, the sanctity of life, ecological consciousness, coexistence, symbiosis and a win-win principle in our research.
ecological early childhood education; animation; Wall-E; life; sensitivity;
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  • Reference
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