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The Effect of Sexual Orientation on Suicidal Ideation in Korean High School Students  

Kwon, Mi Young (Department of Nursing, Gimcheon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing / v.34, no.1, 2020 , pp. 87-98 More about this Journal
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the relation of sexual orientation and suicidal ideation. Methods: The study includes 33,309 Korean high school students: 31,213 of whom had no experience of sexual intercourse, 1,739 had heterosexual sexual intercourse, 191 had homosexual sex, and 166 had bisexual intercourse. The study used the 12th(2016) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey with complex sample logistic regression. Results: Adjusted confounding variables related to suicidal ideation of participants except for sexual orientation were analyzed, and suicidal ideation was higher in the homosexual and bisexual groups. These two groups showed a higher risk of suicidal ideation (homosexual: OR=2.28, 95% CI:1.54-3.39) (bisexual: OR=2.78, 95% CI:1.61-4.81). Conclusions: The study results showed sexual orientation was associated with suicidal ideation. Further studies and evaluations are needed.
Adolescent health; Sexual behavior; Sexual orientation; Suicidal ideation;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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