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Factors Influencing Cooperation between Nurses and Social Workers  

Kim, Hee-Jeong (Division of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University)
Bae, Jin-Hee (Department of Social Welfare, Jesus University)
Park, Sun-Young (Department of Nursing, Baekseok University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing / v.25, no.2, 2011 , pp. 209-220 More about this Journal
Purpose: The study investigated the level of mutual cooperation among those engaged in public and private nursing and social welfare to understand contributing factors. Method: The subjects were 289 nurses and 279 social workers. The level of mutual cooperation between nurses and social workers was evaluated. taking into account related personal factors and organizational environmental factors. Results: The level of mutual cooperation between nursing and social welfare organizations showed the following sequence, in decreasing order; public nursing, public social welfare, private nursing and private social welfare personnel. The factors affecting nurses' cooperation with social welfare personnel were expected duties, understanding of social workers' service, service autonomy, service appropriateness, and the training environment of the organization. Factors influencing the level of cooperation of social workers with nurses included understanding of nursing service, understanding of the efficiency gained by cooperation, service appropriateness and the training environment of the organization. Conclusion: The development of training programs to increase the level of cooperation between the nursing and social welfare fields is strongly recommended.
Nurses; Social welfare; Cooperative Behavior;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
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