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Effects of 36 Weeks of Resistance Training on Body Composition, Fitness and Blood Lipid Profiles in the Obese Elderly  

So, Wi-Young (Institute of Sports Science, Seoul National University)
Song, Mi-Soon (College of Nursing, Seoul National University)
Cho, Bi-Long (Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital)
Park, Yeon-Hwan (College of Nursing, Seoul National University)
Lim, Jae-Young (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
Kim, Seon-Ho (College of Nursing, Seoul National University)
Song, Wook (Health and Exercise Science Laboratory, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing / v.24, no.1, 2010 , pp. 39-48 More about this Journal
Purpose: To examine the effects of a 36-week resistance training program on body composition, fitness and blood lipid profiles in the obese elderly. Method: fourteen subjects were assigned into the resistance training group. The 12-16 exercise sessions were performed for 60min with 15-25 repetitions twice per week for 36 weeks. Data were analyzed by paired t-test with SPSS version 12.0 for Windows. Results: Significant changes were evident in weight (t=5.983, p<.001), body mass index (t=5.922, p<.001), % body fat (t=3.480, p=.004), and fat free mass (t=-2.592, p=.022). Concerning exercises, no significance was noted for back scratch (t=-1.814, p=.093), but were for 2-min step (t=-3.075, p=.009), arm curl (t=-2.223, p=.045), chair stand (t=-3.671, p=.003), chair sit and reach (t=-2.508, p=.026), and 8-ft up and go (t=5.545, p<.001). No significant changes were evident in total cholesterol (t=1.189, p=.279), and total glucose (t=0.689, p=.517), while the change in high-density lipoprotein was significant (t=3.535, p=.012). Conclusion: The 36-week resistance training program enhanced body composition and physical fitness, but not blood lipid profiles in obese elderly subjects.
Resistance training; Body composition; Fitness; Blood lipid;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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