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The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Experience and Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention: Moderating Effect of Gender and Social Protection  

Kong, Hyewon (College of Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies, Kyonggi University)
Publication Information
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship / v.13, no.6, 2018 , pp. 129-141 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of entrepreneurship experience and education on entrepreneurship intention, and to test the moderating effect of gender on these relationships. To test the hypothesis, we used GETR(Global Entrepreneurship Trend Report) data that was collected by Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation and was consisted of 40,388 data collected from 2,000 people in 20 countries. First, entrepreneurship experience and entrepreneurship education have significant influence on entrepreneurship intention. Second, gender moderating effects on these relationships were found to have a significant effect on the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship intention. Specifically, the positive effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention was found to be stronger for women than for men. Finally, the analysis of the three-way interaction effect of the social protection confirmed that the positive relationship between entrepreneurial experience and entrepreneurial intention was stronger for women than for men, and this effect was found to be higher in the high social protection group. In other words, women with entrepreneurial experience are more likely to increase their entrepreneurial intentions when they are more aware of social protection than men.
Female Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Experience; Entrepreneurship Education; Entrepreneurial Aactivity; Entrepreneurial Intention; Social Protection; Gender;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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