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A Study of Consulting Demands Analysis in Vocational Education and Training High Schools Participating the Apprenticeship System/
[Ahn, Jae-Yeong;] / null / 2016    
The effect of Meister high school students' career maturity with respect to the impact on school maladjustment/
[Yoo, Jae-Man;Lee, Byung-Wook;] / null / 2016    
The Subjects Analysis of Transportation Technology Problem Solving Activities at Energy and Transportation Technology Unit in Middle School Technology·Home Economics Textbooks of the 2009 National Revised Curriculum/
[Park, Sang-Hyun;Yi, Sang-Bong;] / null / 2016    
Analyzing the effect of Interdisciplinary Course of Design, Business and Literature : Focusing on Human Relations, Resource & Information Use and Communication competency/
[Yi, San-Bsun;Kim, Dong-Min;Seo, Seong-Eun;Park, Kyung-Moon;] / null / 2016    
Perception of the importance and educational needs of job performance competency of National Competency Standards based vocational education curriculum in technical specialized high schools and meister high schools/
[Hahm, Seung-Yeon;] / null / 2016    
Development and Application of a Turtle Ship Model Based on Physical Computing Platform for Students of Industrial Specialized High School/
[Kim, Won-Woong;Choi, Jun-Seop;] / null / 2016    
Analysis on the Trends of Studies Related to the National Competency Standard in Korea throughout the Semantic Network Analysis/
[Lim, Yun-Jin;Son, Da-Mi;] / null / 2016    
The Effect of Scratch Programming Education for Middle School Students on the Information Science Creative Personality and Technological Problem Solving Tendency/
[Kim, Ki-Yeol;] / null / 2016    
A Study on the Teaching·Learning Management Status and Improvement Plan about 'Creative Engineering Design' Lesson of 'Technology·Home Economics Subject' for High School Teachers/
[Kim, SeongIl;Lim, YunJin;] / null / 2016    
An Instructional Model for the Improvement of Decision Making Skills in the 'Technological Innovation and Invention' Unit of Technology·Home Economics Curriculum/
[Seo, Joung-Wan;Lee, Yong-jin;] / null / 2016    
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