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Deep learning in nickel-based superalloys solvus temperature simulation
Dmitry A., Tarasov;Andrey G., Tyagunov;Oleg B., Milder;
, v.9, no.5, pp.367-375,
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Numerical comparison between lattice and honeycomb core by using detailed FEM modelling
Giuseppe, Pavano;
, v.9, no.5, pp.377-400,
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Optimal battery selection for hybrid rocket engine
Filippo, Masseni;
, v.9, no.5, pp.401-414,
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RANS simulation of secondary flows in a low pressure turbine cascade: Influence of inlet boundary layer profile
Michele, Errante;Andrea, Ferrero;Francesco, Larocca;
, v.9, no.5, pp.415-431,
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Lunar ascent and orbit injection via locally-flat near-optimal guidance and nonlinear reduced-attitude control
Mauro, Pontani;
, v.9, no.5, pp.433-447,
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Alternative analytic method for computing mean observation time in space-telescopes with spin-precession attitude motion
Juan, Bermejo-Ballesteros;Javier, Cubas;Francisco, Casas;Enrique, Martinez-Gonzalez;
, v.9, no.5, pp.449-462,
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About influence of the choice of numerical flow in the DG method for the solution of problems with shock waves
Mikhail M., Krasnov;Marina E., Ladonkina;Olga A., Nekliudova;Vladimir F., Tishkin;
, v.9, no.5, pp.463-477,
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Q1D modeling of hydrodynamic instabilities in solid rocket motors
M., Grossi;D., Bianchi;B., Favini;
, v.9, no.5, pp.479-491,