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Physics-based modelling for a closed form solution for flow angle estimation
Lerro, Angelo;
, v.8, no.4, pp.273-287,
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Lifetime prediction of bearings in on-board starter generator
Zieja, Mariusz;Tomaszewska, Justyna;Woch, Marta;Michalski, Mariusz;
, v.8, no.4, pp.289-302,
3 |
Numerical investigations on winglet effects on aerodynamic and aeroacoustic performance of a civil aircraft wing
Vaezi, Erfan;Fijani, Mohammad Javad Hamedi;
, v.8, no.4, pp.303-330,
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Photogrammetry-based reverse engineering method for aircraft airfoils prediction
Ba Zuhair, Mohammed A.;
, v.8, no.4, pp.331-344,
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Two-dimensional curved panel vibration and flutter analysis in the frequency and time domain under thermal and in-plane load
Moosazadeh, Hamid;Mohammadi, Mohammad M.;
, v.8, no.4, pp.345-372,