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1 Improving aeroelastic characteristics of helicopter rotor blades in hovering
Badran, Hossam T.;Tawfik, Mohammad;Negm, Hani M.; / Techno-Press , v.8, no.3, pp.183-197,
2 Perspectives of hydrogen aviation
Boretti, Alberto; / Techno-Press , v.8, no.3, pp.199-211,
3 Thermoelastic bending analysis of laminated plates subjected to linear and nonlinear thermal loads
Swami, Sandhya K.;Ghugal, Yuwaraj M.; / Techno-Press , v.8, no.3, pp.213-237,
4 An investigation of boat-tail helmet to reduce drag
Pathan, Khizar A.;Khan, Sher A.;Shaikh, Aadil N.;Pathan, Arsalan A.;Khan, Shahnawaz A.; / Techno-Press , v.8, no.3, pp.239-250,
5 Computational ablative thermal response analysis of carbon/phenolic composites for thermal protection system
Park, Taehoon;Lee, Kang-Hyun;Yun, Gun Jin; / Techno-Press , v.8, no.3, pp.251-271,