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1 Flow-induced pressure fluctuations of a moderate Reynolds number jet interacting with a tangential flat plate
Marco, Alessandro Di;Mancinelli, Matteo;Camussi, Roberto; / Techno-Press , v.3, no.3, pp.243-257,
2 Flow-induced interior noise from a turbulent boundary layer of a towed body
Abshagen, J.;Kuter, D.;Nejedl, V.; / Techno-Press , v.3, no.3, pp.259-269,
3 Passive suppression of helicopter ground resonance instability by means of a strongly nonlinear absorber
Bergeot, Baptiste;Bellizzi, Sergio;Cochelin, Bruno; / Techno-Press , v.3, no.3, pp.271-298,
4 On the use of the wave finite element method for passive vibration control of periodic structures
Silva, Priscilla B.;Mencik, Jean-Mathieu;Arruda, Jose R.F.; / Techno-Press , v.3, no.3, pp.299-315,
5 Extension of the variational theory of complex rays to orthotropic shallow shell structures
Cattabiani, Alessandro;Barbarulo, Andrea;Riou, Herve;Ladeveze, Pierre; / Techno-Press , v.3, no.3, pp.317-330,
6 Modelling and FEA-simulation of the anisotropic damping of thermoplastic composites
Klaerner, Matthias;Wuehrl, Mario;Kroll, Lothar;Marburg, Steffen; / Techno-Press , v.3, no.3, pp.331-349,
7 Effects of macroporosity and double porosity on noise control of acoustic cavity
Sujatha, C.;Kore, Shantanu S.; / Techno-Press , v.3, no.3, pp.351-366,