1 |
Distributional characteristics of mesozooplankton community in Nakdong river estuary
Kang, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Minju;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.1-11,
2 |
Data Congestion Control Using Drones in Clustered Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
Kim, Tae-Rim;Song, Jong-Gyu;Im, Hyun-Jae;Kim, Bum-Su;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.12-19,
3 |
Evaluation algorithm for Hosting Capacity of PV System using LDC Method of Step Voltage Regulator in Distribution Systems
Lee, Se-Yeon;Lee, Hu-Dong;Tae, Dong-Hyun;Rho, Dae-Seok;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.20-28,
4 |
Application of Self-Adaptive Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm for Muskingum Flood Routing
Lee, Eui Hoon;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.29-37,
5 |
Capsule Train Dynamic Model Development and Driving Characteristic Analysis Considering the Superconductor Electrodynamic Suspension
Lee, Jin-Ho;Lim, Jungyoul;You, Won-Hee;Lee, Kwansup;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.38-45,
6 |
Social Welfare Education in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Nam, Hee-Eun;Baik, Jeong-Won;Im, Yu-Jin;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.46-53,
7 |
Effects of Healing Beats program on patients' anxiety, stress, systolic blood pressure, heart rate and Bis Index after epidural blocking : A randomized controlled trial
Bae, Ik Lyul;Song, Ji Ah;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.54-65,
8 |
An Instructional Design for the Converged English-Science Teaching Method using PBL Model in Elementary School
Park, In-Hwa;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.66-72,
9 |
The Effect of Simulation Training applying SBAR for Nursing Students on Communication Clarity, Self-Confidence in Communication, and Clinical Decision-Making Ability
Cho, Hun-Ha;Nam, Keum-hee;Park, Jung-Suk;Jeong, Hyo-Eun;Jung, Yu-Jin;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.73-81,
10 |
A Study on the Change of Burning Rate of Zirconium-Nickel Delay Elements Depending on the Ambient Temperature
Kim, Ho-Sub;Lim, Ho Young;Kang, Yo Han;Kim, Do Hyun;Lee, Geun Woo;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.82-89,
11 |
Development and Effects of Positive Psychology Promoting Program for Undergraduate Nursing Students
Seo, Young Sook;Jeong, Chu Young;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.90-99,
12 |
Mediating Effect of Self-Leadership Relationship between Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Ability of Nursing University Students
Kim, Young-Sook;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.100-108,
13 |
The Effects of Life Stress and Stress Coping among Nursing College Students on Health Promotion Behavior
Choi, Yooun-Sook;Kim, Mi-Young;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.109-119,
14 |
Correlation of Self-Efficacy, Stress Coping and Adjustment to College Life Nursing Students
Kim, Jung Kyung;Kim, Won Jong;Lee, Sun Ju;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.120-126,
15 |
Effects of Self-efficacy, Standard Precaution Knowledge, Awareness on Performance of Nursing Students
Park, Sung Hee;Byun, Eun Kyung;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.127-135,
16 |
The Effects of Nursing College Students' Satisfaction with their Major on their Engagement in the Major
Shin, Seung-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Won;Kim, Chang-Tae;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.136-145,
17 |
The Effects of Nurses' Perceived Internal Marketing on Job Performance and Loyalty
Kang, Cheon-Kook;Park, Myung-Bae;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.146-155,
18 |
Application for en-Route mission to Decentralized Task Allocation
Kim, Sung-Hoon;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.156-161,
19 |
Fatigue Analysis of External Fuel Tank and Pylon for Fixed Wing Aircraft
Kim, Hyun-Gi;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.162-167,
20 |
Evaluation of Investment Value of Renewable Energy and Decision Making for Market Entry Using the Idle Space of Public Enterprises
Na, Seoung Beom;Jang, Woosik;Kim, Kyeongseok;Kim, Byungil;Lee, Harry;Lee, Changgeun;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.168-175,
21 |
A Study on the Improvement of Operation Performance of Wet Bell Diving System in the Salvage Ship
Choi, Woo-Suk;Chang, Ho-Seong;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.176-183,
22 |
Analysis of defense procurement agency Study on the appropriate brokerage fee and effectiveness
Jeong, Suk-Jae;Kim, Jun Han;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.184-190,
23 |
Failure Analysis by Fracture Study of Connecting Rod Bolts in Diesel Engine for Military Tracked Vehicles
Oh, Dae San;Kim, Ji Hoon;Seo, Suk Ho;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.191-200,
24 |
Establishment of Overseas Expansion Support Policy for Green/Climate Technology SMEs: Integrated Viewpoints of Policy Makers and Beneficiaries
Kim, Sun-Hye;Oh, Myeong-Ji;Lee, Su-Yeong;Yoon, Byung-Un;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.201-211,
25 |
Technology of single-axis solar tracking system and power generation increase
LEE, Jae-Jin;Lee, Kyo-Beum;Jeong, Kyu-Won;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.212-217,
26 |
Emergency Room access by Population Density and distance of Daegu Metropolitan city
Kim, Myung-Gwan;Han, Seung-Woo;Kim, Ki-Hyun;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.218-223,
27 |
A Study on the Characteristics of Architectural Assets in Daejeon Metropolitan City
Lee, Jeong-Soo;Ha, Seung-Yong;Kwon, Yong-Won;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.224-232,
28 |
Relationship Between Organizational Conflict and Job Satisfaction in Administrative Staff of University Hospitals
Shin, Hee-Jung;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.233-243,
29 |
The Differences in Harassment Behavior and Perception of Dating Violence According to Traits of University Students
Kim, Rae-Eun;Koo, Sang-Mee;Choi, Sun-Mi;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.244-254,
30 |
Growth, Body shape and Carcass cutting yield traits of Duroc and Crossbred(Duroc×Pietrain×Pietrain)pigs
Kim, Young Sin;Kim, JeongA;Jeong, Yong Dae;Choi, Yo Han;Cho, Eun Seok;Chung, Hak Jae;Sa, Soo Jin;Beak, Sun Young;Hong, Joon Ki;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.255-261,
31 |
Implementation of Smart Shopping Cart using Object Detection Method based on Deep Learning
Oh, Jin-Seon;Chun, In-Gook;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.262-269,
32 |
Experimental analysis of heat exchanger performance produced by laser 3D printing technique
Kim, Moosun;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.270-276,
33 |
Effects of Portulaca oleracea L. Supplementation on Reproductive Performance, Blood Profiles, Immune Response and Fecal Microflora in Multiparous Sows
Oh, Seung-Min;Choi, Yo-Han;Jung, Hyun-Jung;Jeon, Se-Min;Kim, Jin-Soo;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.277-284,
34 |
Investigation of image preprocessing and face covering influences on motion recognition by a 2D human pose estimation algorithm
Noh, Eunsol;Yi, Sarang;Hong, Seokmoo;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.285-291,
35 |
Sensory Characteristics of Noodles by Descriptive Analysis
Son, Eun-Shim;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.292-302,
36 |
A Simulation Analysis on the Economic Impact of U.S. Tangerine Importing in the Korean Citrus Industry
Kim, Bae-Sung;Kim, Hwa-Nyeon;Kim, Man-Keun;Ko, Seong-Bo;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.303-311,
37 |
Methanogenic Archaeal Census of Ruminal Microbiomes
Lee, Seul;Baek, Youlchang;Lee, Jinwook;Kim, Minseok;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.312-320,
38 |
A Study on the Selection Model of Promising Export Items Applicable to the Defense SMEs
Won, Jun-Ho;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.321-330,
39 |
Effects of an Experiences Sharing Self-management Program for Hypertension and Diabetes Patients in Primary Public Health Center
Im, Jeong Ja;Yun, So Young;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.331-341,
40 |
Influence of Teachers' Ethical Awareness and Teaching Flow on Teacher-Preschooler Interaction
Jeon, Yun-Hee;Lim, WonShin;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.342-349,
41 |
Study on Effect of Warmth Therapy Nursing Intervention Program after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Lee, Jung-Geun;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.350-356,
42 |
The Mediating Effect of Social Support in the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Interpersonal Relationship
Chae, Kyung-Hee;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.357-369,
43 |
Estimating the Longitudinal Change in Academic Achievements of Multicultural Adolescents by Piecewise Growth Modeling
Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.370-379,
44 |
Development of Prediction Model to Improve Dropout of Cyber University
Park, Chul;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.380-390,
45 |
A Basic Study for the Application of the Shafting System for the Contra-Rotating Propeller
Shin, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Seung-Min;Rim, Chae Whan;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.391-398,
46 |
Relationship Between Service Learning And Self-Directed Learning
Shin, Myeong-Hee;Kim, Jin-Seon;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.399-405,
47 |
A Comparative Study on the Reliability Growth Enhancement Activities Using "ANALYSIS" and "TEST" through FMECA and Highly Accelerated Life Tests
Shin, Sang-Hee;Jung, Joo-Hyun;Kang, Tae-Ho;Lee, Jong-Sin;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.406-418,
48 |
Usability Study of the Elderly Women Using Indoor Driving and Elevating Electric Wheelchairs
Kim, Young-Pil;Hong, Jae-Soo;Ham, Hun-Ju;Hong, Sung-Hee;Ko, Seok-Cheol;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.419-427,
49 |
A Study on the Prediction of Failure Rate of Airforce OO Guided Missile Based on Field Failure Data
Park, Cheonkyu;Ma, Jungmok;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.428-434,
50 |
Conceptual Analysis of Yangsaeng
Shin, So-Hong;Kang, Hee-Sook;Shin, Seung-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Won;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.435-445,
51 |
Accident Prevention and Safety Management System for a Children School Bus
Kim, Hyeonju;Lee, Seungmin;Ham, Sojeong;Kim, Sunhee;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.446-452,
52 |
Mother's Play Belief and Young Children's Peer Competence : The Mediating Effects of Young Children's Playfulness
Kang, Ju-Yuyoun;Lee, Jin-Hee;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.453-461,
53 |
Exploring Factors Affecting Acceptance Intention and Recognition of Robot-Based Education for Mother with Young Children.
Lee, Ha-Won;Shin, Won-Ae;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.462-474,
54 |
Identifying Regional Tourism Resources Using Webometric Network Analysis: A case of Suseong-gu in Daegu, South Korea
Song, Hwa Young;Zhu, Yu Peng;Kim, Ji Eun;Oh, Jung Hyun;Park, Han Woo;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.475-486,
55 |
Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Female College Students with Functional Constipation
Min, Juyon;Park, Hyojung;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.487-495,
56 |
A Case Study on Conflicts Regarding the Regeneration of Incheon Inner Harbor
Rhee, Bum-Hun;Jung, Jin-Won;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.496-503,
57 |
The effect of clinical dental hygienist psychological well-being on emotional intelligence in an area
Kim, Young-im;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.504-509,
58 |
Factors Affecting Hospitalized Children's Falls - Using Data in the National Hospital Discharge In-depth Injury Survey
Lee, Jeong Wook;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.510-516,
59 |
Analyzing the Efficiency of Defense Basic Research Projects using DEA
Lim, Yong-Hwan;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.517-524,
60 |
A study on the factors that affect the working conditions of the disabled for the duration of employment: Comparison between regular and temporary workers
Hyun, Ta Kyung;Lim, Ok Hee;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.525-536,
61 |
The Effect of Computer Scientific Attitude on Academic Achievement of Information Gifted Students
Chung, Jong-In;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.537-543,
62 |
The Effectiveness of Baking and Pastry Activity Program on Cognitive Function of Elderly with Dementia
Lee, Eun-Hee;Lee, Jung-Eun;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.544-554,
63 |
A Study on the relationship between the entrepreneurial intention influencing factors in one's youth and the entrepreneurial behavior
Kim, Jang-Ho;Geum, Yong-Pil;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.555-563,
64 |
The Influence of Adolescent Narcissism on Interpersonal Relationships: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Self-concept Clarity
Jung, chul sang;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.564-576,
65 |
A Study on the Design Parameters of the Static Ring in the Ultra-high Voltage Non-uniform Electric Field
Kim, Jin-Sung;Seo, Min-Seong;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.577-582,
66 |
The Opinions of Dental Related Major Students on Dental Hygienists
Kim, Young-Seok;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.583-589,
67 |
A Study of the Performance Improvement for Quilting Fabric via Postprocessing
Kim, Ji-Hoon;Ko, Hye-Ji;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.590-596,
68 |
A Study on the Research Trends in Unmanned Surface Vehicle using Topic Modeling
Kim, Kwimi;Ma, Jungmok;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.597-606,
69 |
Analysis of Research Trends in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Using Topic Modeling
Kim, Sung-Yeun;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.607-615,
70 |
Association Between Transport Accident Type And Mortality In Elderly Inpatients : Using Korean National Hospital Discharge In-depth Injury Survey Dataset
Ryu, Han-Jun;Kang, Sun-Hee;Boo, Yoo-Kyung;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.616-624,
71 |
The Major Technology Distribution Analysis of Domestic Defense Companies in Naval Ships based on Patent Information Data
Kim, Jang-Eun;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.625-637,
72 |
A Study on the Life Management and Improvement of Vulnerable Parts of Aircraft Structures
Choi, Hyoung Jun;Park, Sung Jae;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.638-644,
73 |
A study on the correlation of sexual function, depression, and sleep quality in hemodialysis male patients
Han, Ol;Park, Hyo Jung;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.645-655,
74 |
Influence of Social Support and Health Literacy on Treatment Adherence in Hemodialysis Patients
Seo, Nam-Sook;Sim, Eun-Kyeong;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.656-666,
75 |
Study on of Process Parameters for Adsorption of Reactive Orange 16 Dye by Activated Carbon
Lee, Jong Jib;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.667-674,
76 |
A Study on the Improvement of Construction Cost Standards for Pipe Laying and Joining Work
Oh, Jae-Hoon;Ahn, Bang-Ryul;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.675-684,
77 |
Study on Hand Gestures Recognition Algorithm of Millimeter Wave
Nam, Myung Woo;Hong, Soon Kwan;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.685-691,
78 |
Effects of Multi-stage Pilot Split Injection Strategy on Combustion and Emission Characteristics in a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine
Lee, Hyungmin;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.692-698,
79 |
A Study on Quantitative Evaluation Method for STT Engine Accuracy based on Korean Characteristics
Min, So-Yeon;Lee, Kwang-Hyong;Lee, Dong-Seon;Ryu, Dong-Yeop;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.699-707,
80 |
Decomposition of odor using atmospheric-pressure plasma
Kang, Seok-Won;Lee, Jae-Sik;Lee, Kang-San;Lim, Hee-Ah;Kim, Ji-Seong;Lee, Jeong-Dae;Park, Wol-Su;Park, Young-Koo;
The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
, v.21, no.7, pp.708-718,