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1 A Survey of Elementary school teachers' perceptions of mathematics instruction
Kwon, Sungyong; / Korean Society of Mathematical Education , v.20, no.4, pp.253-266,
2 Case Study of Elementary Mathematics Lessons by a Professional Learning Community among Teachers
Kim, JeongWon;Pang, JeongSuk;Kim, SangHwa; / Korean Society of Mathematical Education , v.20, no.4, pp.267-286,
3 Analysis of Affective Factors in Mathematics Learning of Elementary School Students
Do, Joowon;Paik, Suckyoon; / Korean Society of Mathematical Education , v.20, no.4, pp.287-303,
4 Cognitive process and cognitive load about the concept image of triangle altitude in visual image
Lee, Mi Jin;Lee, Kwangho; / Korean Society of Mathematical Education , v.20, no.4, pp.305-319,