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Experimental Study on Downwardly Spreading Flame over Inclined Polyethylene-insulated Electrical Wire with Applied AC Electric Fields
Lim, Seung Jae;Park, Jeong;Kim, Min Kuk;Chung, Suk Ho;Osamu, Fujita;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.1-7,
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Numerical Study on Flow Distribution of Fuel Nozzles for a Combustor in a Micro Gas Turbine
Kim, Taehoon;Do, Kyu Hyung;Han, Yong-Shik;Kim, Myungbae;Choi, Byung-Il;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.8-13,
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Study on the Characteristics of an Annular Combustor for a 500 W Class Micro Gas Turbine Generator
Do, Kyu Hyung;Kim, Taehoon;Han, Yong-Shik;Kim, Myung-Bae;Choi, Byung-Il;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.14-20,
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Design Methodology of an Annular Combustor for Micro Gas Turbines
Cho, Ju Hyeong;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.21-27,
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Effects of Lewis Number and Preferential Diffusion in Syngas Flame Diluted with He and Ar
Kim, Tae Hyung;Park, Jeong;Kwon, Oh Boong;Park, Jong Ho;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.28-34,
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Fundamental Study for Reformation of Safety Standard about Portable Butane Gas Range
Kim, Sooik;Keum, Kuk Bin;Yu, Byeonghun;Lee, Chang-Eon;Kim, Young-Gu;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.35-41,
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Improvement of Emissions from Diesel Engine according to the Korean Standard Test Cycle in the Construction Equipment
Joo, Taeheun;Yu, Seunghun;Lee, Chang-Eon;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.42-48,
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Design Criterion for the Size of Micro-scale Pt-catalytic Combustor in Respect of Heat Release Rate
Lee, Gwang Goo;Suzuki, Yuji;
The Korean Society of Combustion
, v.19, no.4, pp.49-55,