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1 Comparison of Dynamic Muscle Activation during Fente Execution in Fencing Between Wearing Weighted and Waterbag Vests
Ja Yeon Lee;Chae Kwan Lee;Shuho Kang;Il Bong Park; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.119-127,
2 Effect of an 8-week Closed Kinetic Chain Styled Pilates Exercise on Lower Limb Alignment
Ga Ram Jeon;Sukhoon Yoon; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.128-136,
3 The Effects of Kinematic Variables and Sequence during Horizontal Bar Swing in Gymnastic: a Case Study
Sangheon Park;Seong-Jun Kim;Ju-Won Song;Seong-Min Jo;Jooho Song; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.137-146,
4 Effects of Limited Dorsiflexion Range of Motion on Movement Strategies during Landing
Inje Lee;Donggun Kim;Hyeondeukje Kim;Hyunsol Shin;Jiwon Lee;Yujin Jang;Myeongwoo Pi; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.147-154,
5 Analysis of Kinematic Differences in Body Kick Movements in Mixed Martial Arts Athletes with and without Chronic Low Back Pain
Kyung Il Lee;Dool Hee Lee; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.155-163,
6 Changes in Impact Characteristics of the Body by Different Heel Strike Patterns during Running
Young-Seong Lee;Sang-Kyoon Park; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.164-174,
7 Investigation of Biomechanical Factors in Track and Field Javelin Performance: A Multidimensional Analysis of Predictive Variables through Multiple Regression Analysis
Ho-Jong Gil;Jin Joo Yang;Jong Chul Park;Young Sun Lee;Jae Myoung Park; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.175-184,
8 Effect of CrossFit Power Training on TPI OnBaseU Power Test and Golf Performance
Chang Wook Kim; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.33, no.4, pp.185-195,