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1 Kinematical Analysis of Fastball and Longtoss during Baseball Throwing
Woo, Byung-Hoon;Jung, Yun-Jin; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.425-433,
2 Kinematic Analysis of Lower Extremities during Stairs and Ramp Climbing with Older Adults
Han, Jin-Tae;HwangBo, Gak; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.435-448,
3 Analysis of Ground Reaction Force by Stance Type during Tennis Forehand Stroke
Kang, Yong-Teak;Seo, Kook-Eun; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.449-455,
4 The Kinetic Analysis of Arabesque Turn Motion in Modern Dance by Upper Extremity Usage
Park, Yang-Sun;Kim, Ji-Hye; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.457-466,
5 Kinematic Analysis of Horse-Riding Posture According to Skill Levels during Rising Trot with JeJu-horse
Oh, Woon-Yong;Ryew, Che-Cheong;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Hyun, Sung-Hyun; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.467-479,
6 Kinematic Analysis of a Scoop Motion in Elite Male Hockey Players
Lim, Jung-Woo; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.481-488,
7 Biomechanical Comparison of Good and Bad Performances within Individual in Maximum Vertical Jump
Kim, Yong-Woon;Kim, Yong-Jae; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.489-497,
8 A Comparision of Flick Shooting Motion in Penalty Corner between High School and National Players in Field Hockey
Kim, Ho-Mook;Woo, Sang-Yeon;Kim, Ki-Un; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.499-508,
9 The Kinematical Analysis between the Skilled and the Unskilled for Air Pistol Shooting Posture
Kim, You-Mi;Kim, Kab-Sun; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.509-517,
10 The Effects of Ankle Taping on Ankle Angular Velocity, Ground Reaction Force and Postural Stability during Jump Landing on Athlete with Functional Ankle Instability
Kim, Kyoung-Hun;Cho, Joon-Heang; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.519-528,
11 Study of Correlation between BBS, SPPB, TUG and COP during Quiet Standing in Elderly Women
Lee, Kyung-Soon;Kang, Young-Teak; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.529-538,
12 The Characteristics of Obstacle Gaits in Female Elders after 12 Weeks of an Aquatic Exercise Program
Kim, Suk-Bum;Yu, Yeon-Joo; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.539-547,
13 The Effect of Atrophy of the Inpraspinatus on Strength and ROM in Shoulder Joint of Male Volleyball Players
Lee, Byoung-Kwon; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.549-555,
14 Gender Differences in Electromyography of the Lower Extremity during Golf Driver Swing
Kim, So-Yoon;Lee, Joong-Sook;Yang, Jeong-Ok;Rhee, Sang-Don;Kim, Young-Soo;Lee, Bom-Jin;Kim, In-Hyung; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.557-566,
15 The Effects of 8 Week Combined Exercise Program on the Biomechanical Function Recovery of Patients Suffering from Work-Related Back Problems
Kim, Do-Hyung;Lee, Kyung-Il;Jung, Jin-Yung; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.567-580,
16 Kinetic Differences between Normal-design Running Shoes and Spring-loaded Running Shoes
Lee, Chong-Hoon; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.581-592,
17 The Temporal Coordination of the Lower Extremity by Increasing High-heel Height during Walking
Ryu, Ji-Seon; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.593-601,
18 Effects of Wearing Spandex Pants on Impact Forces and Muscle Activities during Drop Landing
Chae, Woen-Sik;Kang, Nyeon-Ju; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.603-610,
19 Development of Grip Strength Training and Evaluation System of Hand Functions
Kang, Han-Su;Chung, Sung-Taek; / Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics , v.19, no.3, pp.611-617,