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1 The Effect of Bobath Therapy on Balance and Walking in Patients with Stroke
Lee, Sang-Ho;Kim, Moon-Jeong;Lee, Tae-Han;Kim, Sang-Yeong;Yoon, Se-Won; / The Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology , v.11, no.1, pp.1-6,
2 Effects of Virtual Reality-Based Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise on Lower Extremity Muscle Activity in Chronic Stroke Patients
Yang, Dae-Jung;Park, Sam-Heon;Lee, Min-Ki;Park, Seung-Kyu; / The Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology , v.11, no.1, pp.7-12,
3 A Proposal for Applying an Onsite Exercise Program for the Prevention of Work-Related Chronic Back Pain in the Automobile Manufacturing Field
Kim, Seong-Su;Lee, Eun-Sang;Kim, Young-Ok;Lee, Young-Sin; / The Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology , v.11, no.1, pp.13-19,
4 Changes in Ultrasound Imaging of the Lower Limb with regards to TKR
Kim, Moon-Jeong;Yoon, Se-Won; / The Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology , v.11, no.1, pp.21-29,
5 Effect of Applying tDCS by Inactive Electrode Placement to Cognitive Response on Stroke Patients
Hwang, Ki-Kyeong;Lee, Jeong-Woo; / The Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology , v.11, no.1, pp.31-38,
6 Changes in Lower Extremity Joint Angles after Total Knee Replacement
Kim, Sang-Yeong;Yoon, Se-Won; / The Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology , v.11, no.1, pp.39-44,
7 The Effect of SSP Electrical Stimulation Applied to Acupoints Impact on the Swallowing Function of Stroke Patients
Gong, Kwang-Sik;Na, Su-Young; / The Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology , v.11, no.1, pp.45-52,