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1 Signal Analysis Software for DGPS Station
Hwang, Ho-Yon; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.15, no.2, pp.1-8,
2 Two-dimensional Unsteady Thermal Stresses in a partially heated infinite FGM Plate
Kim, Kui-Seob; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.15, no.2, pp.9-17,
3 Comparison of Ionospheric Spatial Gradient Estimation Methods using GNSS
Jeong, Myeong-Sook;Kim, Jeong-Rae; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.15, no.2, pp.18-24,
4 A Study on Benefits of Ground Operational Test using ADS-B in Tae-An Airport
Hong, G.Y.;Oh, K.R.;Kim, D.H.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.15, no.2, pp.25-31,
5 New pattern of air market according to liberalization air transport between Korea and China
Moon, Woo-Choon;Lee, Sang-Wook;Choi, Youn-Chul; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.15, no.2, pp.32-39,
6 Analysis of the Economic Disaster Scale for Fog Case occurred at the Incheon International Airport
Jung, Woo-Sik;Lee, Joong-Woo;Choi, Hyo-Jin;Kwon, Tae-Sun;Back, Jong-Ho;Park, Jong-Kil; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.15, no.2, pp.40-47,