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A Warning System Using Marker Beacon to Avoid Hazardous Area in VFR Mode
Seo, B.S.;Kim, Y.M.;Kang, J.Y.;Yun, T.W.;Hwang, B.W.;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.12, no.3, pp.1-12,
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Estimation of Flow Uniformity in Water Tunnel by Using CFD Analysis
Lim, Y.T.;Chang, J.W.;Kim, M.S.;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.12, no.3, pp.13-24,
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Turbulent Flow Field on Boundary Layer Flow Conditions in the Near-Wake of a Flat Plate
Kim, D.H.;Chang, J.W.;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.12, no.3, pp.25-39,
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A Study on Product Liability of Aircraft Manufacturer
Song, S.H.;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.12, no.3, pp.41-63,
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Application of GNSS Non-Precision and Precision Approaches to a Circle-to-Land Approach Airport
Kim, Y.M.;Kang, J.Y.;
The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
, v.12, no.3, pp.65-85,