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1 A Study on the Detailed Classification and Empirical Analysis of Human Error
Kim, Y.K.;Kim, C.Y.;Choi, Y.C.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.9-20,
2 The Analysis of Flight Data of Aircraft with Whanges in Destination Airport In-flight by FDR(Flight Data Recorder)
Shin, D.W.;Lee, J.H.;Song, B.H.;Lee, K.C.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.21-34,
3 Flight Test of GPS/INS Navigation System for Air Navigation
Yoo, C.S.;Ahn, I.K.;Lim, C.H.;Lee, S.J.;Ahn, I.K.;Nam, G.W.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.35-44,
4 The Study of the Turbulence Effect during In-cruise-flight of Aircraft by FDR(Flight Data Recorder)
Kim, I.Y.;Song, B.H.;Shin, D.W.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.45-56,
5 A Study on the Economic Life Cycle of Training Airplane in 'H' University
Chang, Jo-Won;Choi, Se-Jong;Eun, Hee-Bong; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.57-68,
6 The Economic Impact of the Open Skies Agreement Between Singapore and U.S.A.
Hong, S.K.;Lee, S.C.;Lee, K.S.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.69-82,
7 A Review on Rejected Takeoff and Flexible Use of Takeoff Decision Speed
Yoo, K.E.;Noh, K.S.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.83-93,
8 A Study on an Airframe DTA for Type Certificate
Choi, J.W.;Jin, Y.K.;Park, J.H.;Lee, K.H.;Shin, D.W.; / The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics , v.10, no.1, pp.95-105,