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1 Strength Characteristics of Square Concrete Column Confined by Carbon Composite Tube
홍원기;김희철;윤석한;박순섭; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.7, no.1, pp.1-7,
2 Evaluation of Nonlinear Response for Moment Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frames Based on Equivalent SDOF System
송호산;전대한; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.7, no.1, pp.9-16,
3 Seismic Response Control of a Cable-Stayed Bridge Using Passive, Active, Semiactive and Hybrid Systems
;;Spencer, B. F.;; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.7, no.1, pp.17-29,
4 Generation of RMS Hazard-Compatible Artificial Earthquake Ground Motions
Kim, Jin-Man; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.7, no.1, pp.31-40,
5 Simulation of Tsunamis in the East Sea Using Dynamically-Interfaced Multi-Grid Model
Choi, Byung-Ho;Efim, Pelinovsky;Woo, Seung-Buhm;Lee, Jong-Woong;Mun, Jong-Yoon; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.7, no.1, pp.41-55,
6 Evaluation of Seismic Response for a Suspension Bridge
김호경;유동호;주석범; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.7, no.1, pp.57-63,
7 Estimation of Group Walking Loads by System Identification of Building Structures
김태호;민경원;이동근; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.7, no.1, pp.65-72,