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1 Assessment of Seismic Response Spatial Variation Through the Analysis of Earthquake Records at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant
Ji, Hae Yeon;Ha, Jeong Gon;Kim, Min Kyu;Hahm, Dae Gi; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.26, no.5, pp.181-190,
2 Inference of the Probability Distribution of Phase Difference and the Path Duration of Ground Motion from Markov Envelope
Choi, Hang;Yoon, Byung-Ick; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.26, no.5, pp.191-202,
3 Simplified Analysis of Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks Considering Fluid-Structure Interaction
Lee, Jin Ho;Cho, Jeong-Rae; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.26, no.5, pp.203-209,
4 Performance-Based Evaluation of Seismic Design Proposals for RC Ordinary Moment Frames by Spectrum Revision
Shim, JungEun;Choi, Insub;Kim, JunHee; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.26, no.5, pp.211-217,