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Evaluation of Heating and Buckling Effects on Inelastic Displacement Responses of Lead-Rubber Bearing Subject to Strong Ground Motions
Yun, Su-Jeong;Hong, Ji-Yeong;Moon, Jiho;Song, Jong-Keol;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.23, no.6, pp.289-299,
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Seismic Fragility Assessment of NPP Containment Structure based on Conditional Mean Spectra for Multiple Earthquake Scenarios
Park, Won Ho;Park, Ji-Hun;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.23, no.6, pp.301-309,
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Evaluation of Seismic Response Considering the Ageing Effect of Rubber and Lead-Rubber Bearings Applied to PSC Box Bridge
Jeong, Yeon Hui;Song, Jong-Keol;Shin, Soobong;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.23, no.6, pp.311-319,
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Characterizing the Performance of New Seismic Stations in Southeastern Region, Korea Using Seismic Noise Levels
Shin, Jin Soo;Seong, Yun-Jeong;Son, Minkyung;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.23, no.6, pp.321-327,
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Decision Making of Seismic Performance Management Using Seismic Risk Assessment
Kim, Dong Joo;Choi, Ji Hye;Kim, Byeong Hwa;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.23, no.6, pp.329-339,