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1 Seismic Fragility Analysis of Seismically Isolated Nuclear Power Plant Structures using Equivalent Linear- and Bilinear-Lead Rubber Bearing Model
Lee, Jin-Hi;Song, Jong-Keol; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.19, no.5, pp.207-217,
2 Comparison of Nonlinear Analysis Programs for Small-size Reinforced Concrete Buildings I
Yoo, Changhwan;Kim, Taewan; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.19, no.5, pp.219-228,
3 Comparison of Nonlinear Analysis Programs for Small-size Reinforced Concrete Buildings II
Yoo, Changhwan;Kim, Taewan;Park, Hong-Gun; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.19, no.5, pp.229-238,
4 Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Subjected to High Axial Load Using Fiber Slices and Inelastic Shear Spring
Jun, Dae Han; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.19, no.5, pp.239-246,
5 Evaluation of Seismic Load Level in Korea based on Global Recorded Earthquake Ground Motions
Hwang, Kyung Ran;Lee, Han Seon;Kim, Sung Jig; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.19, no.5, pp.247-256,