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Multi-Step Analysis of Seismically Isolated NPP Containment Structures with Lead-Rubber Bearings
Lee, Jin Hi;Song, Jong-Keol;Lee, Eun-Haeng;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.18, no.6, pp.261-269,
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Assessment of Dam Seismic Safety using the Relationship between Acceleration and JMA Intensity
Kang, Gi-Chun;Choi, Byoung-Seub;Cha, Kee-Uk;Cheung, Sang-In;Lee, Jong-Wook;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.18, no.6, pp.271-278,
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Analysis of Earthquake Responses of a Floating Offshore Structure Subjected to a Vertical Ground Motion
Lee, Jin Ho;Kim, Jae Kwan;Jin, Byeong Moo;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.18, no.6, pp.279-289,
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Estimation of the Isolator Displacement for the Performance Based Design of Nuclear Power Plants
Kim, Jung Han;Choi, In-Kil;Kim, Min Kyu;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.18, no.6, pp.291-299,
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Analytical Method to Determine the Dynamic Amplification Factor due to Hanger Cable Rupture of Suspension Bridges
Na, Hyun Ho;Kim, Yuhee;Shin, Soobong;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.18, no.6, pp.301-308,