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Analytical Simulation of the Seismic Response of a High-Rise RC Building Model
Lee, Han-Seon;Lee, Jeong-Jae;Jung, Dong-Wook;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.5, pp.1-10,
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Scaling Method of Earthquake Records for the Seismic Analysis of Tall Buildings
Kim, Tae-Ho;Park, Ji-Hyeong;Kim, Ook-Jong;Lee, Do-Bum;Ko, Hyun;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.5, pp.11-21,
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Dynamic Instability of Strength-Limited Bilinear SDF Systems
Han, Sang-Whan;Kim, Jong-Bo;Bae, Mun-Su;Moon, Ki-Hoon;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.5, pp.23-29,
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Generation of Artificial Time History Earthquake Record Family using the Least Squares Fitting Method
Kim, Yong-Seok;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.5, pp.31-38,
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Distance Dependency of Corner Frequencies for Earthquakes in and around the Korean Peninsula
Shin, Jin Soo;Kang, Tae-Seob;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.5, pp.39-45,
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Seismic Evaluation of Steel Moment Frame Buildings based on Different Response Modification Factors and Fundamental Periods
Shin, Ji-Wook;Lee, Ki-Hak;Lee, Do-Hyung;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.5, pp.47-56,
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Seismic Response Prediction Method of Cabinet Structures in a Nuclear Power Plant Using Vibration Tests
Koo, Ki-Young;Cui, Jintao;Cho, Sung-Gook;Kim, Doo-Kie;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.5, pp.57-63,