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Seismic Response of R/C Structures Subjected to Artificial Ground Motions Compatible with Design Spectrum
Jun, Dae-Han;Kang, Ho-Geun;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.1-9,
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Failure Probability of Nonlinear SDOF System Subject to Scaled and Spectrum Matched Input Ground Motion Models
Kim, Dong-Seok;Koh, Hyun-Moo;Choi, Chang-Yeol;Park, Won-Suk;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.11-20,
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Flexural strength of high-strength concrete filled steel tube columns strengthened by carbon fiber sheets
Park, Jai-Woo;Hong, Young-Kyun;Hong, Gi-Soup;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.21-28,
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The effects of End Platens on Effective Stresses in Resonant Column (RC) Specimens during Consolidation
Bae, Yoon-Shin;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.29-42,
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Identifying Strain Associated with Damping Ratio from Tosional Test Using a Combined Damping Model
Bae, Yoon-Shin;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.43-55,
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Shaking Table Experimental Study on 3-Dimensional Floor Isolation in Main Control Room of Nuclear Power Plant
Lee, Kyung-Jin;Ham, Kyung-Won;Suh, Yong-Pyo;Yoon, Hyun-Do;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.57-66,
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An Experimental Study for the Shear Property and the Temperature Dependency of Seismic Isolation Bearings
Cho, Chang-Beck;Kwahk, Im-Jong;Kim, Young-Jin;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.67-77,
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Comparison of Approximate Nonlinear Methods for Incremental Dynamic Analysis of Seismic Performance
Bae, Kyeong-Geun;Yu, Myeong-Hwa;Kang, Pyeong-Doo;Kim, Jae-Ung;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.79-87,
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Characteristic Investigation of the Bedrock Earthquake Records for the Structural Time-History Seismic Analyses
Kim, Yong-Seok;
Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
, v.12, no.1, pp.89-95,