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High dose of QX-314 produces anti-nociceptive effect without capsaicin in rats with inflammatory TMJ pain
Yang, Kui-Ye;Kim, Min-Su;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Kong, Mi-Sun;Ahn, Jong-Soo;Lee, Jong-Hun;Ju, Jin-Sook;Ahn, Dong-Kuk;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.135-140,
2 |
Antimicrobial Activity of Berberine against Oral Bacteria Related to Endodontic Infections
Lee, Dongkyun;Kim, Min Jung;Park, Soon-Nang;Lim, Yun Kyong;Min, Jeong-Beom;Hwang, Ho-Keel;Kook, Joong-Ki;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.141-147,
3 |
Antimicrobial Activity of Oleanolic Acid, Ursolic Acid, and Sophoraflavanone G against Periodontopathogens
Park, Soon-Nang;Kook, Joong-Ki;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.149-154,
4 |
Cholesterol conjugated spermine as a delivery modality of antisense oligonucleotide
Im, Yoon Kyung;Kim, Myung Su;Yoo, Hoon;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.155-160,
5 |
Effects of nanoscale ridge/groovepattern arrayed surface on in vitro differentiation of multi-potent pulp cells derived from human supernumerary teeth
Kim, Daehwan;Jo, Hwansung;Lee, Jingu;Kim, Keesung;Roh, Sangho;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.161-167,
6 |
Fast temporal detection of intracellular hydrogen peroxide by HyPer
Yang, Yu-Mi;Lee, Sung Jun;Shin, Dong Min;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.169-173,
7 |
Effect of Xylitol on various Oral bacteria
Na, Hee Sam;Kim, Sheon Min;Kim, Seyeon;Choi, Yoon Hee;Chung, Jin;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.175-180,
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Oral Microbiota Comparison between Healthy volunteers, Periodontitis patients and Oral cancer patients
Na, Hee Sam;Kim, Seyeon;Choi, Yoon Hee;Lee, Ju-Yeon;Chung, Jin;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.4, pp.181-188,