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CsA Affects the Rat Submandibular Glands via Regulating the CypA Expression
Lee, Eun-Joo;Hong, Young-Gil;Yoo, Hong-Il;Yang, So-Young;Kang, Jee-Hae;Kim, Min-Seok;Kim, Sun-Hun;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.37, no.4, pp.153-159,
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Expression of Deleted in Colorectal Cancer in the Rat Trigeminal Ganglia
Lee, Eun-Joo;Kim, Nam-Ryang;Yoo, Hong-Il;Yang, So-Young;Kang, Jee-Hae;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Min-Seok;Kim, Sun-Hun;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.37, no.4, pp.161-166,
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A Trial of Screening of Genes Involved in Odontoblasts Differentiation from Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells
Park, Yoon-Kyu;Kim, Hyun-Jin;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.37, no.4, pp.167-173,
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Modification of Pluripotency and Neural Crest-Related Genes' expression in Murine Skin-Derived Precursor Cells by Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF)
Park, Sang Kyu;Roh, Sangho;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.37, no.4, pp.175-180,
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Surface Polarity Dependent Solid-state Molecular Biological Manipulation with Immobilized DNA on a Gold Surface
Lee, Jiyoung;Kim, Jeong Hee;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.37, no.4, pp.181-188,
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Preferential Cytotoxic Effect of Genistein on G361 Melanoma Cells Via Inhibition of the Expression of Focal Adhesion Kinase
Park, Sang Rye;Kwak, Hyun-Ho;Park, Bong-Soo;Kim, Gyoo Cheon;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.37, no.4, pp.189-195,
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Comparison of LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Test and alamarBlue Method for Enumeration of Live and Dead Bacteria for Oral Bacterial Species
Kim, Yeon-Hee;Lee, Si Young;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.37, no.4, pp.197-201,