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1 Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders in the Korean Children and Adolescents
Kim, Ah-Hyeon;Lim, Hyun-Dae;An, So-Youn;Lee, Je-Woo;Ra, Ji-Young; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.35-40,
2 Cone-Beam Computed Tomographic Assessment of Temporomandibular Joint Morphology in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disc Displacement and in Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study
Choi, Hang-Moon;Park, Moon-Soo; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.41-47,
3 Comparison of Clinical Symptoms and Psychological Profiles of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis between Juveniles and Adults
Kim, Hyoung-Jun;Jang, Ji-Hee;Chung, Jin-Woo; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.48-53,
4 Treatment Outcomes of Mandibular Advancement Devices between Rapid-Eye-Movement (REM)-Related and Not-REM-Related OSA Patients
Oh, Jae-Tak;Jang, Ji-Hee;Chung, Jin-Woo; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.54-60,
5 Comparison between the Subjective Evaluation and the Objective Evaluation of the Effect of Pain Control in the Masticatory Muscle Pain
Kim, Dong-Keun;Ahn, Chi-Hyuk;Hwang, Mi-Jin;Lee, Yeon-Hee;Kang, Soo-Kyung;Auh, Q-Schick;Hong, Jung-Pyo;Chun, Yang-Hyun; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.61-71,
6 Case Report of the Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Patient with Oral Lichen Planus
Woo, Keoncheol;Oh, Duwon;Kwon, Jeong-Seung;Ahn, Hyung-Joon;Choi, Jong-hoon; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.72-75,
7 Angina Bullosa Hemorrhagica: A Case Report
Park, Jun-Hyong;Yoon, Jung-Hoon;Kang, Jin-Kyu; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.76-79,
8 Non-Odontogenic Toothache Caused by Acute Maxillary Sinusitis: A Case Report
Kim, Ki-Mi;Byun, Jin-Seok;Jung, Jae-Kwang;Choi, Jae-Kap; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.41, no.2, pp.80-84,