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1 A Study on the Function of Oral Medicine as the Secondary Clinic Based on Analysis on Admissive Channel and Case Features
Lee, You-Mee;Lee, Jung-Hyun;Lim, Hyun-Dae; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.199-210,
2 Micro-tensile Bond Strength of Composite Resin Bonded to Er:YAG Laser-prepared Dentin
Min, Suk-Jin;Ahn, Yong-Woo;Ko, Myung-Yun;Park, June-Sang; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.211-221,
3 Effect of Pulse Energy and Pulse Repetition Rate at the Identical Total Power During Enamel Ablation Using an Er:YAG Laser
Won, Jung-Yeon;Kim, Mee-Eun;Kim, Ki-Suk; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.223-229,
4 Case Report : Temporomandibular Joint Involvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lim, Hyun-Dae;Lee, You-Mee; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.231-236,
5 The Clinical and Radiographic Features of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Al-Mehdi, Aslam;Hur, Yun-Kyung;Choi, Jae-Kap; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.237-243,
6 Occlusal Analysis of the Subjects with Chewing Side Preference Using the T-Scan II System
Park, Eun-Hee;Kim, Mee-Eun;Kim, Ki-Suk; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.245-254,
7 Cephalometric Characteristics of the Patients with Developed Anterior Open Bite Following Anterior Disc Dislocation without Reductions
Hur, Yun-Kyung;Choi, Jae-Kap; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.255-263,
8 Bite Force, Occlusal Contact Area and Occlusal Pressure of Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Internal Derangement
Kim, Ki-Seo;Choi, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Seong-Taek;Kim, Chong-Youl;Ahn, Hyung-Joon; / Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine , v.31, no.3, pp.265-274,