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Comparison of Bacterial Cultivation Results before and after Hand Washing from a College Student in Gangwon Province, Korea: Using Plain and Antibacterial Soap
Joung, Hye Young;Choi, Yeonim;Hyun, Hye Jin;Kim, Joo Hyun;Yoon, Sung Ja;Lee, Gyusang;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.157-163,
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Effects of an Extreme Heat Adaptation Program in Hypertensive Patients
Jeong, Seong Hee;Kim, Nam Soon;Chae, Sumi;Lee, Eun Ju;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.164-172,
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The Effects of a Quit Smoking Program Using the Web and Short Message Service on Exhaled Carbon Monoxide, Self-efficacy and Depression according to Nicotine Dependency Level in Undergraduate Students
Lee, Hea Shoon;Song, Mi Ryeong;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.173-181,
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Emergency Treatment and Nursing Activities of Severe Trauma Patients according to Elapsed Time and Vital Signs
Kim, Myung Hee;Park, Jung Ha;Kim, Myung Hee;Koo, Ji Ehun;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.182-191,
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Development of Clinical Research Management: Enhancement of Nursing Students' Clinical Competency in Handling Clinical Trials
Chu, Sang Hui;Jang, Yeonsoo;Yeo, Ki-Sun;Ahn, Ji Hyeon;Kim, Doo Ree;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.192-200,
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Physical Changes in and Coping with Marriage by Immigrant Women at an Early Stage of Immigration
Kim, Hee-Ja;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Jeon, Mi-Yang;Lee, Hyo-Jeong;Park, Eun Young;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.201-210,
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Effect of Forensic Education and Autopsy Attitude of Nursing Student
Min, Soon;Ha, Yoon Ju;Moon, Ji Young;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.211-218,
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The Effect of Essential Oil on Atopic Dermatitis Model of NC/Nga Mice
Han, Sun Hee;Seo, Young Mi;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.219-225,
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Risk Factors and Level of Acute Post-Operative Pain in Surgical Patients During the First 48 Hours after Surgery
Lee, Yoonshin;Son, Jaesoon;Yoon, Haesang;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.226-234,
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A Study on the Effects of Ankle Pump Exercise in Reducing Lower Limbs Edema and Pain of Operating Room Nurses
Bae, Hye-Jin;Kim, Joo Hyun;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.235-243,
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A Study on the Status of Drug Use among Elderly Residents in Long-Term Care Facility
Jeon, Mi Yang;Lee, Yong Sook;Lim, Jeong Ok;Seol, Ju Yeong;Kim, Ju Yeong;Kim, Yeon;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.244-250,
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Current Status of Interval of Heparin Flushing for Maintenance of an Implanted Port in Solid Tumor Patients
Kim, Hye Kyung;Choi, So Eun;Lee, Jung Hoon;We, Eun Sook;Joh, Hye Jin;Kim, Kwang Sung;
Korean society of Biological Nursing Science
, v.16, no.3, pp.251-257,