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Enhanced Spatial Modulation of Indoor Visible Light Communication
Shan, Ye;Li, Ming;Jin, Minglu;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.1-6,
2 |
Improving the Performance of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks by Selective Transmission Power Control
Kim, Tae-Hoon;Tipper, David;Krishnamurthy, Prashant;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.7-14,
3 |
The Design of an Efficient Proxy-Based Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing
Zhang, Zhijun;Lim, HyoTaek;Lee, Hoon Jae;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.15-20,
4 |
Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network for Freeze Dryer
Cho, Young Seek;Kwon, Jaerock;Choi, Seyeong;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.21-26,
5 |
Consecutive Operand-Caching Method for Multiprecision Multiplication, Revisited
Seo, Hwajeong;Kim, Howon;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.27-35,
6 |
Current Technologies and Prospects of Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers
Kim, Dong Il;Kim, Soo Jeong;Kwak, Hyun Soo;Joo, Yang Ick;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.36-41,
7 |
Laser Spot Detection Using Robust Dictionary Construction and Update
Wang, Zhihua;Piao, Yongri;Jin, Minglu;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.42-49,
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Visible Wavelength Photonic Insulator for Enhancing LED Light Emission
Ryoo, Kwangki;Lee, Jeong Bong;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.50-55,
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High-Aspect-Ratio Nanoscale Patterning in a Negative Tone Photoresist
Ryoo, Kwangki;Lee, Jeong Bong;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.56-61,
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Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Multiview Images Generated by Three-Dimensional Warping
Park, Scott;Kim, Bora;Kim, Dong-Wook;Seo, Youngho;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.13, no.1, pp.62-68,