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Current status of global dairy goat production: an overview
Miller, Beth A.;Lu, Christopher D.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1219-1232,
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Current status, challenges and the way forward for dairy goat production in Asia - conference summary of dairy goats in Asia
Liang, Juan Boo;Paengkoum, Pramote;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1233-1243,
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Current status, challenges and prospects for dairy goat production in the Americas
Lu, Christopher D.;Miller, Beth A.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1244-1255,
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Current status, challenges and the way forward for dairy goat production in Europe
Morales, Francisco de Asis Ruiz;Genis, Jose Maria Castel;Guerrero, Yolanda Mena;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1256-1265,
5 |
Dairy goat production in sub-Saharan Africa: current status, constraints and prospects for research and development
Kahi, Alexander K.;Wasike, Chrilukovian B.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1266-1274,
6 |
Recent advances in breeding and genetics for dairy goats
Gipson, Terry A.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1275-1283,
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Research advances in reproduction for dairy goats
Luo, Jun;Wang, Wei;Sun, Shuang;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1284-1295,
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Recent advances in the feeding and nutrition of dairy goats
Goetsch, Arthur Louis;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1296-1305,
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Recent advances in dairy goat products
Sepe, Lucia;Arguello, Anastasio;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1306-1320,
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Recent insight and future techniques to enhance rumen fermentation in dairy goats
Mamuad, Lovelia L.;Lee, Sung Sill;Lee, Sang Suk;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.32, no.8_spc, pp.1321-1330,