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1 Optimum Model for Analyzing Lifetime Profitability of Holstein Cows SCOPUS
Shadparvar, A.A.;Nikbin, S.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.769-775,
2 Study on Genetic Diversity of Six Duck Populations with Microsatellite DNA SCOPUS
Wu, Yan;Liu, Xiao-Lin;Hou, Shui-Sheng;Huang, Wei; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.776-783,
3 Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) Analysis to Detect Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with a Carcass Trait in a Hanwoo Population SCOPUS
Lee, Jea-Young;Kwon, Jae-Chul;Kim, Jong-Joo; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.784-788,
4 Molecular Phylogeny of the Gayal in Yunnan China Inferred from the Analysis of Cytochrome b Gene Entire Sequences SCOPUS
Li, S.P.;Chang, H.;Ma, G.L.;Cheng, H.Y.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.789-793,
5 Effect of Thyroid Hormones on the Redox Balance of Broiler Chickens SCOPUS
Lin, H.;Decuypere, E.;Buyse, J.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.794-800,
6 Avian Somitic Cell Chimeras Using Surrogate Eggshell Technology SCOPUS
Mozdziak, Paul E.;Hodgson, Dee;Petitte, James N.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.801-806,
7 Supplementing Maize or Soybean Hulls to Cattle Fed Rice Straw:Intake, Apparent Digestion, In situ Disappearance and Ruminal Dynamics SCOPUS
Von, Nguyen Tien;St. Louis, David G.;Orr, Adam I.;Rude, Brian J.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.807-817,
8 In vitro Methanogenesis, Microbial Profile and Fermentation of Green Forages with Buffalo Rumen Liquor as Influenced by 2-Bromoethanesulphonic Acid SCOPUS
Agarwal, Neeta;Kamra, D.N.;Chatterjee, P.N.;Kumar, Ravindra;Chaudhary, L.C.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.818-823,
9 Histological Changes of Tissues and Cell Wall of Rice Straw Influenced by Chemical Pretreatments SCOPUS
Wang, Jia-Kun;Chen, Xiao-Lian;Liu, Jian-Xin;Wu, Yue-Ming;Ye, Jun-An; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.824-830,
10 Effect of Methionine Supplementation on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Awassi Ram Lambs Fed Finishing Diets SCOPUS
Obeidat, Belal S.;Abdullah, Abdullah Y.;Awawdeh, Mofleh S.;Kridli, Rami T.;Titi, Hosam H.;Qudsieh, Rasha I.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.831-837,
11 Supplementation with Selenium and Vitamin E Improves Milk Fat Depression and Fatty Acid Composition in Dairy Cows Fed Fat Diet SCOPUS
Liu, Zhao L.;Yang, De P.;Chen, Pu;Dong, Wei X.;Wang, Dong M.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.838-844,
12 Effect of Galanin Infusion into the Third Ventricle on Plasma Concentrations of Metabolic Parameters in Goats Fed Diets of Different Energy Content SCOPUS
Khazali, H.;Towhidi, A.;Moravej, H.;Parhizkar, A.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.845-852,
13 Effects of Chromium Yeast on Performance, Insulin Activity, and Lipid Metabolism in Lambs Fed Different Dietary Protein Levels SCOPUS
Yan, Xiaogang;Zhang, Wei;Cheng, Jianbo;Wang, Runlian;Kleemann, David O.;Zhu, Xiaoping;Jia, Zhihai; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.853-860,
14 Effects of Exogenous Ghrelin on the Behaviors and Performance of Weanling Piglets SCOPUS
Wu, Xingli;Tang, Maoyan;Ma, Qiugang;Hu, Xinxu;Ji, Cheng; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.861-867,
15 Long Term Feeding Effects of Dietary Dehulled Soybean Meal as a Fish Meal Replacer in Growing Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus SCOPUS
Kim, Young Chul;Yoo, Gwang Yeol;Wang, Xiaojie;Lee, Seunghyung;Shin, In Soo;Bai, Sungchul C.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.868-872,
16 The Effects of Cellulose, Pectin and Starch on Standardized Ileal and Apparent Total Tract Amino Acid Digestibilities and Bacterial Contribution of Amino Acids in Feces of Growing Pigs SCOPUS
Ma, Q.G.;Metzler, B.U.;Eklund, M.;Ji, C.;Mosenthin, R.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.873-882,
17 Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation on Antioxidation and Lipid Profiles of Rats on Diets Supplemented with Cholesterol and Olive Oil SCOPUS
Kurtoglu, Firuze;Kurtoglu, Varol;Sivrikaya, Abdullah; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.883-889,
18 Effect of Resveratrol on Serum and Liver Lipid Profile and Antioxidant Activity in Hyperlipidemia Rats SCOPUS
Zhu, Lixian;Luo, Xin;Jin, Zhengyu; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.890-895,
19 Development of Probiotic Candies with Optimal Viability by Using Response Surface Methodology and Sequential Quadratic Programming SCOPUS
Chen, Kun-Nan;Chen, Ming-Ju;Shiu, Jia-Shian; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.896-902,
20 Quality Improvement of Frozen and Chilled Beef biceps femoris with the Application of Salt-bicarbonate Solution SCOPUS
Sultana, A.;Nakanishi, A.;Roy, B.C.;Mizunoya, W.;Tatsumi, R.;Ito, T.;Tabata, S.;Rashid, H.;Katayama, S.;Ikeuchi, Y.; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.903-911,
21 A Review: Influences of Pre-slaughter Stress on Poultry Meat Quality SCOPUS
Ali, Md. Shawkat;Kang, Geun-Ho;Joo, Seon Tea; / Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies , v.21, no.6, pp.912-916,