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Genetic Distance Study among Deoni Breed of Cattle Using Random Amplified DNA Markers
Appannavar, M.M.;Govindaiah, M.G.;Ramesha, K.P.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.315-319,
2 |
Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Meat Quality on Pig Chromosome 3, 4 and 7
Zuo, Bo;Xiong, YuanZhu;Su, YuHong;Deng, ChangYan;Zheng, Rong;Jiang, Siwen;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.320-324,
3 |
Association among Egg Productivity, Granulosa Layer IGF-I, and Ovarian IGF-I in Korean Native Ogol Chicken
Kang, W.J.;Seo, D.S.;Ko, Y.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.325-330,
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Reproductive Potentials of Gayal (Bos frontalis) under Semi-intensive Management
Giasuddin, M.;Huque, K.S.;Alam, J.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.331-334,
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Relationships of Concentrations of Endocrine Factors at Antemortem and Postmortem Periods to Carcass Weight and Backfat Thickness in Pigs
Yun, J.S.;Seo, D.S.;Rhee, M.S.;Oh, S.;Kim, B.C.;Ko, Y.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.335-341,
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Changes in Ovarian and Placental 20α-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity during the Pregnancy in the Rat
Seong, H.H.;Min, K.S.;Kang, M.H.;Yoon, J.T.;Jin, H.J.;Chung, H.J.;Chang, W.K.;Yun, S.G.;Shiota, Kunio;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.342-347,
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Plasma Protein Profile of Neonatal Buffalo Calves in Relation to the Protein Profile of Colostrum/Milk during First Week Following Parturition
Lone, Abdul Gani;Singh, Charanbir;Singha, S.P.S.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.348-352,
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Effects of Vitamin A on Carcass Composition Concerning Younger Steer Fattening of Wagyu Cattle
Nade, T.;Hirabara, S.;Okumura, T.;Fujita, K.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.353-358,
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Effect of Supplementary Feeding Strategies on the Performance of Stall Fed Dual-purpose Dairy Cows Fed Grass Hay-based Diets
Bwire, J.M.N.;Wiktorsson, H.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.359-367,
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Effects of Ammonia, Urea Plus Calcium Hydroxide and Animal Urine Treatments on Chemical Composition and In sacco Degradability of Rice Straw
Fadel Elseed, A.M.A.;Sekine, J.;Hishinuma, M.;Hamana, K.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.368-373,
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Effect of Diet on Enzyme Profile, Biochemical Changes and In sacco Degradability of Feeds in the Rumen of Buffalo
Kamra, D.N.;Saha, Sudipto;Bhatt, Neeru;Chaudhary, L. C.;Agarwal, Neeta;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.374-379,
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Estimation of Rumen Gas Volume by Dilution Technique in Sheep Given Two Silages at Different Levels of Feeding
Sekine, J.;Kamel, Hossam E.M.;Fadel El-Seed, Abdel Nasir M.A.;Hishinuma, M.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.380-383,
13 |
Supplementation of Dry Brewer's Grain to Lower Quality Forage Diet for Growing Lambs in Southeast Nigeria
Anigbogu, N.M.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.384-388,
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Effects of Enzyme Application Method and Levels and Pre-treatment Times on Rumen Fermentation, Nutrient Degradation and Digestion in Goats and Steers
Hong, S.H.;Lee, B.K.;Choi, N.J.;Lee, Sang S.;Yun, S.G.;Ha, J.K.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.389-393,
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Influence of Phytase and Xylanase Supplementation on Growth Performance and Nutrient Utilisation of Broilers Offered Wheat-based Diets
Selle, P.H.;Ravindran, V.;Ravindran, G.;Pittolo, P.H.;Bryden, W.L.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.394-402,
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Enzyme Activities Related to Lipid Metabolism in the Liver and Adipose Tissue of Tsaiya Ducks under Fasting and Ad libitum Feeding Conditions
Lien, Tu-Fa;Jan, Der-Fang;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.403-408,
17 |
Cholesterol Removal and Flavor Development in Cheddar Cheese
Kwak, H.S.;Jung, C.S.;Seok, J.S.;Ahn, J.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.409-416,
18 |
Angiotensin I-converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Porcine Skeletal Muscle Proteins Following Enzyme Digestion
Katayama, K.;Fuchu, H.;Sakata, A.;Kawahara, S.;Yamauchi, K.;Kawamura, Y.;Muguruma, M.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.417-424,
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Detection and Identification of -lactamase, Enterotoxin and Other Exotoxins Genes of Staphylococcus aureus by PCR
Yoon, Y.H.;Kim, K.I.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.425-429,
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In vivo Antagonistic Effect of Lactobacillus helveticus CU 631 against Salmonella enteritidis KU101 infection
Bae, Jin-Seong;Byun, Jung-Ryul;Yoon, Yung-Ho;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.430-434,
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Biological Aspects of Selenium in Farm Animals
Kim, Y.Y.;Mahan, D.C.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.435-444,
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Essentiality of Histidine in Ruminant and Other Animals Including Human Beings
Onodera, Ryoji;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.445-454,
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Recent Advances in Biotechnology Applications to Aquaculture
Lakra, W.S.;Ayyappan, S.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.455-462,
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Manipulation of Cassava Cultivation and Utilization to Improve Protein to Energy Biomass for Livestock Feeding in the Tropics
Wanapat, M.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.16, no.3, pp.463-472,