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1 Nonlinear rheology of linear polymer melts: Modeling chain stretch by interchain tube pressure and Rouse time
Wagner, Manfred H.;Rolon-Garrido, Victor H.; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.203-211,
2 The effects of drag reducing polymers on flow stability : Insights from the Taylor-Couette problem
Dutcher, Cari S.;Muller, Susan J.; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.213-223,
3 The competing roles of extensional viscosity and normal stress differences in complex flows of elastic liquids
Walters, K.;Tamaddon-Jahromi, H.R.;Webster, M.F.;Tome, M.F.;McKee, S.; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.225-233,
4 Component dynamics in miscible polymer blends: A review of recent findings
Watanabe, Hiroshi;Urakawa, Osamu; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.235-244,
5 Micro and macro in the dynamics of dilute polymer solutions: Convergence of theory with experiment
Prakash, J. Ravi; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.245-268,
6 Drop formation of Carbopol dispersions displaying yield stress, shear thinning and elastic properties in a flow-focusing microfluidic channel
Hong, Joung-Sook;Cooper-White, Justin; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.269-280,
7 The assessment of the performance of drug-eluting stent using computational fluid dynamics
Seo, Tae-Won;Barakat, Abdul I.; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.281-288,
8 Optimum shape and process design of single rotor equipment for its mixing performance using finite volume method
Kim, Nak-Soo;Lee, Jae-Yeol; / The Korean Society of Rheology , v.21, no.4, pp.289-297,