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1 Local transport properties of coated conductors by laser-scan imaging methods
Kim, Gracia;Jo, William;Nam, Dahyun;Cheong, Hyeonsik;Moon, Seoung Hyun; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.1-4,
2 Superconducting critical temperature in FeN-based superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers
Hwang, T.J.;Kim, D.H.; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.5-7,
3 Effects of α-particle beam irradiation on superconducting properties of thin film MgB2 superconductors
Kim, Sangbum;Duong, Pham van;Ha, Donghyup;Oh, Young-Hoon;Kang, Won Nam;Hong, Seung Pyo;Kim, Ranyoung;Chai, Jong Seo; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.8-13,
4 Annealing condition dependence of the superconducting property and the pseudo-gap in the protect-annealed electron-doped cuprates
Jung, Woobeen;Song, Dongjoon;Cho, Su Hyun;Kim, Changyoung;Park, Seung Ryong; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.14-17,
5 Characteristics of the magnetic flux-offset type FCL by switching component
Jung, Byung-Ik;Choi, Hyo-Sang; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.18-20,
6 Harmonic analysis and field quality improvement of an HTS quadrupole magnet for a heavy ion accelerator
Zhang, Zhan;Wei, Shaoqing;Lee, Sangjin;Jo, Hyun Chul;Kim, Do Gyun;Kim, Jongwon; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.21-24,
7 A study on the design of hexapole in an 18-GHz ECR ion source for heavy ion accelerators
Wei, Shaoqing;Zhang, Zhan;Lee, Sangjin;Choi, Sukjin; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.25-29,
8 Study on magnetic field mapping within cylindrical center volume of general magnet
Huang, Li;Lee, Sangjin; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.30-36,
9 Quench analysis and protection circuit design of a superconducting magnet system for RISP 28GHz ECR ion source
Song, S.;Ko, T.K.;Choi, S.;Ahn, M.C.; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.37-41,
10 Development of cryogenic free-piston reciprocating expander utilizing phase controller
Cha, Jeongmin;Park, Jiho;Kim, Kyungjoong;Jeong, Sangkwon; / The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics , v.18, no.2, pp.42-47,