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Thermal Analysis of Silicon Carbide Coating on a Nickel based Superalloy Substrate and Thickness Measurement of Top Layers by Lock-in Infrared Thermography
Ranjit, Shrestha;Kim, Wontae;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.37, no.2, pp.75-83,
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An Efficient Ultrasonic SAFT Imaging for Pulse-Echo Immersion Testing
Hu, Hongwei;Jeong, Hyunjo;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.37, no.2, pp.84-90,
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Study on the Performance of Infrared Thermal Imaging Light Source for Detection of Impact Defects in CFRP Composite Sandwich Panels
Park, Hee-Sang;Choi, Man-Yong;Kwon, Koo-Ahn;Park, Jeong-Hak;Choi, Won-Jae;Jung, Hyun-Chul;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.37, no.2, pp.91-98,
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Detecting the Honeycomb Sandwich Composite Material's Moisture Impregnating Defects by Using Infrared Thermography Technique
Kwon, Koo-Ahn;Park, Hee-Sang;Choi, Man-Yong;Park, Jeong-Hak;Choi, Won-Jae;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.37, no.2, pp.99-105,
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Active Infrared Thermography for Visualizing Subsurface Micro Voids in an Epoxy Molding Compound
Yang, Jinyeol;Hwang, Soonkyu;Choi, Jaemook;Sohn, Hoon;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.37, no.2, pp.106-114,
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Correlation between Ultrasonic Nonlinearity and Elastic Nonlinearity in Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy
Kim, Jongbeom;Jhang, Kyung-Young;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.37, no.2, pp.115-121,