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Comparison of Slowness Profiles of Lamb Wave with Elastic Moduli and Crystal Structure in Single Crystalline Silicon Wafers
Min, Youngjae;Yun, Gyeongwon;Kim, Kyung-Min;Roh, Yuji;Kim, Young H.;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.1-8,
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Ultrasonic Estimation and FE Analysis of Elastic Modulus of Kelvin Foam
Kim, Nohyu;Yang, Seungyong;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.9-17,
3 |
Measurement of Width and Step-Height of Photolithographic Product Patterns by Using Digital Holography
Shin, Ju Yeop;Kang, Sung Hoon;Ma, Hye Joon;Kwon, Ik Hwan;Yang, Seung Pil;Jung, Hyun Chul;Hong, Chung Ki;Kim, Kyeong Suk;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.18-26,
4 |
Transducer Combination for High-Quality Ultrasound Tomography Based on Speed of Sound Imaging
Kim, Young Hun;Park, Kwan Kyu;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.27-34,
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Development of Non-Destructive Sorting Technique for Viability of Watermelon Seed by Using Hyperspectral Image Processing
Bae, Hyungjin;Seo, Young-Wook;Kim, Dae-Yong;Lohumi, Santosh;Park, Eunsoo;Cho, Byoung-Kwan;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.35-44,
6 |
Early Shell Crack Detection Technique Using Acoustic Emission Energy Parameter Blast Furnaces
Kim, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Bum;Bae, Dong-Myung;Yang, Bo-Suk;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.45-52,
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Feasibility Study on Diagnosis of Material Damage Using Bulk Wave Mixing Technique
Choi, Jeongseok;Cho, Younho;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.53-59,
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Development of Fuel Channel Inspection System in PHWR
Choi, Sung-Nam;Yang, Seung-Ok;Kim, Kwang-Il;Lee, Hee-Jong;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.36, no.1, pp.60-67,