ZnO is gathering great interest for large square optoelectrical devices of flat panel display (FHD) and solar cell as a transparent conductive oxide (TCO). Herewith, Mg and IIIA (Al, In) co-doped ZnO films were prepared on SLG substrate using RF magnetron sputtering system. The effect of variation of atomic weight % of Mg and ZnO have been investigated. The atomic weight % Al and In are of 3% and kept constant throughout. The numbers of samples were prepared according to their different contents, which are $M_{3%}AZO_{94%}$, $M_{4%}AZO_{93%}-(MAZO)$ and $M_{3%}IZO_{94%}$, $M_{4%}IZO_{93%}-(MIZO)$ respectively. A RF power of 225 W and working pressure of 6 m Torr was used for the deposition at $300^{\circ}C$. All of the two thin film show good uniformity in field emission scanning electron microscopy image. $M_{3%}AZO_{94%}$ thin film shows overall better performance among the all. The film shows the best lowest resistivity, carrier concentration, mobility and Sheet resistance and is found to be are of $8.16{\times}10^{-4}{\Omega}cm$, $4.372{\times}10^{20}/cm^3$, $17.5cm^2/vs$ and $8.9{\Omega}/sq$ respectively. Also $M_{3%}AZO_{94%}$ thin film shows the relatively high optical band gap energy of 3.7 eV with high transmittance more than 80% in visible region required for the better solar cell performance.