한국수소및신에너지학회논문집 (Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy) (Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy)
한국수소및신에너지학회 (The Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society)
- 격월간
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- 1738-7264(pISSN)
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- 2288-7407(eISSN)
- 에너지/자원 > 신재생에너지
Aim & Scope
The Transactions of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society (TKHNS) aims to provide a forum for information on research, development and demonstration in the areas of hydrogen and new energy. The Journal publishes original research and reviews covering all aspects of hydrogen production, storage and utilization as well as new and renewable energy for sustainable energy systems, in the following classifications: - Hydrogen economy, policy, and environmental impact - Hydrogen production - Hydrogen storage, separation, purification, and liquefaction - Fuel cells and their applications - BOP for hydrogen and fuel cell systems - Hydrogen safety and sensors - Hydrogen transportation and infrastructure - Combustion, engine, and heat transfer - New energy applications I - coal-based technologies, CCS, etc. - New energy applications II – battery, flow battery, energy storage, etc. - Other unclassified technologies in hydrogen and new energy KSCI KCI