한국펄프종이공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference) (Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference)
한국펄프종이공학회 (Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry)
- 반년간
- 화공 > 정밀화학
한국펄프종이공학회 2011년도 추계학술발표회 논문집
The recycling rate of recovered paper in Korea is the highest in the world, 92%, but remanufacturing yield is low due to the extremely poor quality of the paper. The poor quality, in turn, influences to the reject amount in deinking process. To increase the yield of old newspaper recycling process, hydrophobic degree of inorganic pigments of deinking stock must be reduced. To determine the hydrophobicity, Pitch Potential Deposit Tester (PDT) was newly designed and applied with respect to the SB latex property of various quality used in Korea; its hydrophobic degree according to Tg, gel content, charge and particle size of latex and optimum designing condition of SB latex. And below are the conclusions: 1. The reason of excessive reject from old newspaper deinking process for total amount of printed ink is loss of inorganic pigments. When lipase, a biochemical catalyst, was applied with the purpose of preventing inorganic pigments loss about more than 70% of total reject weight and promoting hydration of pulp for deinking, deinking process yield of pre flotation secondary stage increased remarkably without any changes of deinking efficiency. 2. Lipase improved deinking stock by cutting ester linkage on surface of hydrophobic materials to promote its hydration. From this, it reached the conclusion that hydration degree of stock exercises significant effect on flotation deinking process yield. 3. Inorganic alkali promotes hydration of deinking stock. But there have been needs for more fundamental measures other than inorganic alkali of promoting hydration for yield improvement. For this, this study intended to find out reasons of chemical properties change on surface of hydrophobic material by change of pH. 4. Pitch Deposit Test (PDT) was performed for understanding principle of why surface of coating flake from OMG is hydrophobic and why it becomes hydrophilic when pH of stock is alkaline. As a result of this test, it is determined that swelling property by change of pH of latex film, which were used as coating adhesive is the reason for hydrophobic change. 5. Hydrophilicity of coating flake increased with hydrophilic pigments. And as more of SB Latex adhesive was used and higher of calcium hardness of stock became, its hydrophilicity decreased. SB Latex adhesive film is reformed by mechanical friction. For having hydrophilicity under neutral pH, strong bruising action such as kneading is required. 6. Because swelling of adhesive film decreases as Tg of SB latex gets lower and mean diameter gets smaller, it shows hydrophobicity under neutral pH. This lowers hydrophilicity of coating flake, which leads to easy elimination with flotation reject on DIP process. Therefore, for improving future flotation yield, it is necessary to develop to use eco-friendly clean SB latex by raising Tg and increasing mean diameter for recycling, and as a result, to reduce excessive loss of coating flake as a reject from deinking process.
In woody waste separated from municipal solid waste, medium density fiberboard was major contributors with particleboard, paper, plywood and log, with different composition based on collected period. In chemical compositional analysis of woody waste, it was similar to softwood based on carbohydrate composition analysis. Based on the carbohydrate composition, saccharified solution from MWW could be good resource for biorefinery.
The application of flexo printed ONP and OCC leads to brightness decrease of deinked stock in ONP recycling system. The largest problems are due to accumulation of flexo ink & introduction of brown fibers. All these are emphasized by variations in the amount of flexo printed ONP and OCC in recovered ONP stock. Most of the brightness problems caused by flexo ink can be helped and solved by applying a proper polyelectrolytes as coagulation agent and flocculation agent. This requires exact evaluation of sedimentation or dissolved air flotation potentials of flexo ink and polyelectrolytes. Effect of bleaching chemical (H2O2) addition level on the increase of brightness of OCC included stock has been investigated by lab scale test.
In recent, many forest residues have been generated by the National Forest Management Operation. Unfortunately, most of the forest residues are supposed to be used as raw materials for burning fuels like wood pellets. In this study, we investigated whether or not this forest biomass mixed in various ages and species could be used as raw materials for making kraft pulps in a view of optical properties.
Sheikh, M. Mominul Islam;Kim, Chul-Hwan;Park, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Sung-Ho;Kim, Gyeong-Chul;Lee, Ji-Yong;Kim, Jae-Won 167
Renewable energy resources and technologies have the potential to provide long-lasting solutions of the global energy-requirements faced by the economic and environmental sectors of a nation. Therefore, waste money bills were used as renewable energy source for the production of bio-ethanol. In this study, different concentrated NaOH 0.5%. 1.0%, 2.0%, 3.0% and 0.0% (as a control) were used for 10, 20 and 30 mins at$121^{\circ}C$ /15 psi in an autoclave. Saccharification and fermentation (aerobic and anaerobic) were carried out through commercial enzyme Celluclast 1.5 L, Novozymes 188 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae KCCM 11304 respectively. The results of pretreatment showed that the NaOH pre-treated substrate enhanced enzyme action and released more amount of glucose. The amount of glucose was found with the increasing concentration of NaOH and time$44996.95{\pm}6.30$ ,$46763.10{\pm}3.56$ ,$53421.32{\pm}4.72$ ,$63431.25{\pm}6.95$ and$56850.98{\pm}6.75\;ng/{\mu}l$ for 30 min respectively. As for bioethanol, the conversion rate of NaOH resulted$1010.08{\pm}4.71$ ,$1050.25{\pm}4.37$ ,$1109.49{\pm}4.39$ ,$1139.25{\pm}3.26$ and$1020.77{\pm}3.89$ ppm for aerobic;$16730.54{\pm}6.67$ ,$17076.45{\pm}6.25$ ,$17516.17{\pm}4.49$ ,$19782.68{\pm}6.19$ and$17973.39{\pm}7.50$ ppm for anaerobic and$18935.02{\pm}4.59$ ,$19895.45{\pm}5.39$ ,$21912.95{\pm}4.83$ ,$24895.21{\pm}6.72$ and$18961.21{\pm}4.90$ ppm for anaerobic condition with benzoic acid for respective condition. Thus, the results of the present work clearly revealed that with the increasing of alkali concentration might be more effective for bio-ethanol production from waste money bill, which is economic and environmental friendly. -
본 연구에서는 1900년대 이후 근대 한지로 작성된 기록물의 상태를 가능한 빠르게 확인할 수 있는 도구를 연구하고자 비파괴적인 방법으로 분석을 실시하였다. 종이 기록물의 경우 그 자체가 원본임으로 파괴적인 방법으로 분석할 수 없는 한계를 극복하고자 원본을 파괴하지 않고 상태를 확인할 수 있는 방법을 개발하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 본 연구 목적에 적합한 비파괴 분석을 위해 근적외선 분석 장비 중에서 정밀도와 정확도가 좋은 푸리에 변환(Fourier transform) 분석기(spectrometer)를 사용하였다. 또한 측정 대역은 근적외선(NIR) 전체 영역 모두를 측정할 수 있도록
$12,500{\sim}4,000cm^{-1}$ 범위에서 측정하였으며, 분석 대상 한지 기록물을 측정하기 위하여 적분구(integrating sphere)에 접촉하도록 구성 하였다. 한지 기록물의 보존상태를 평가하기 위한 인자로는 화학적 변화 정도를 가장 잘 알 수 있는 산성도(pH)를 사용하였다. 그리고 이들 인자와 근적외선 스펙트럼과 상관관계를 확인하였고, 이때 최적 상관계수를 찾기 위하여 측정한 스펙트럼을 전처리 하였다. 전처리 방법으로는 다산란보정(MSC)과 Savitzky-Golay의 1차 미분을 이용하였다. 상관계수는 부분최소자승법(PLS, Partial least square)으로 확인하였다. 산성도(pH)의 경우에 전처리를 하지 않았을 때의 상관계수($R^2$ )는 0.92, 표준예측오차(SEP)는 0.24이었고, 전처리를 하였을 때의 상관계수($R^2$ )는 0.98, 표준예측오차(SEP)는 0.19 이었다. 따라서 전처리하였을 때 상관계수와 표준오차가 향상되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 1차 미분을 하였을 때의 상관계수($R^2$ )는 0.98, 표준예측오차(SEP)는 0.09로써 가장 좋은 표준 예측오차를 얻었다. 따라서 전처리하기 전의 상관계수와 표준오차가 오히려 좋다는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과를 통해 한지 기록물을 적분구와 근적외선 분석기를 이용하여 비파괴적인 방법으로 보다 빠르게 상태를 평가할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. -
Recently increasing eco-efficiency of natural dyeing has become an important topic. The purpose of this study was to manufacture colored pulp for interior materials by combining color therapy and natural dyeing. For this purpose, through experiments with water-bleed, K/S value and chroma changes of samples in pulp for interior materials.
Recently, much of forest biomass has been obtained from the national forest management operation. Unfortunately, Korean Forest Services has a plan to use this forest biomass as energy fuels for wood pellets. Considering unhappy situation that about 80% of wood pulps has been imported, it is regarded as unwise decision. If forest biomass can be used to make pulps or other valuable woody products, we are able to double its economic value than the raw materials for wood pellets. In this study, we explored alternative raw materials for wood biomass used to make wood pellets. For this, fresh technology such as torrefaction was applied with the other lignocellulosic biomass.
This study investigated the prime difference between different methods for measuring a sizing degree. Based on the results coming from the study, a new type of the automatic measuring system of a sizing degree. The system includes synchronized devices for measuring contact angle and St
$\ddot{o}$ ckigt sizing degree at the same time. -
We examined the effect of the acidic liquid from carbonized rice hull(ALCRH) treatments to molded fiber packages(MFP) on weight, Haugh unit, pH and microbial activity of egg to extend the shelf life in egg packaging. Higher concentration and surface spray treatment of the acidic liquid extended the shelf life of egg. ALCRH treatment to MFP improved the performance of the packaging for egg in terms of decreased weight loss and retarded microorganism growth of eggs during storage.
Recently increasing eco-efficiency of natural dyeing has become an important topic. The purpose of this study was to manufacture colored Wall paper for interior materials by combining color therapy and natural dyeing. For this purpose, through experiments with water-bleed, K/S value and chroma changes of samples in Wall paper for interior materials.
This study was carried out in order to elucidate effects of types of binder used in pre-coated layer on optical properties and printability of top-coated layer. Coated papers with four different types of SB latex were prepared. Tg, particle size and gel contents of latices were of different. Optical properties and printability of coated paper including print mottle were evaluated. It was confirmed that properties of pre-coated layer distinctively affected final properties of top-coated layer. Tg was found to be the most influencing factor on the print mottle of coated paper: the SB latex with lower Tg and higher particle size resulted in a superior print mottle. These results indicate that final printability and properties of top-coated layer can be controlled by adjusting pre-coated layer.