Vocal nodule is one of the representative chronic diseases of vocal folds, and it can be cured by surgical removal or voice therapy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of the accent method, one of the popular effective voice therapy, in the patients with vocal nodule. Authors executed the accent method in 17 patients with vocal nodule who visited the Voice & Speech Therapy Clinic, Pusan National University Hospital analysed the voice before and after treatment using the local findings, acoustic analysis and aerodynamic analysis MPT. The voice was analysed with MDVP of CSL and MPT was checked using stop watch. The parameters included Fo, Jitter, Shimmer and noise to harmonic ratio(NHR) as acoustic analysis. The results were obtained as follows. In the evaluation by the local findings, it was improved to 77% in the patients of vocal nodule. Jitter and Shimmer were shown to be improved significantly. In particular, it was shown to be improved significantly in patients with vocal nodule. As the result of this study, the improvement of aerodynamic aspect was more statistically significant than that of acoustic parameters. When I generalized the above mentioned results, we suggest that it is a useful voice therapy which can be helpful to the improvement of voice, applying the accent method to the vocal nodule patients, and there are currently many methods to be used in the voice therapy, but it is thought which the accent method is the good treatment as the alternatives of keeping the continuous medical treatment.