Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference (한국광학회:학술대회논문집)
- Annual
- Electricity/Electronics > Optical Instrument
Lee, Sang-Jun;Kim, Jeong-Hyeon;Lee, Jong-Hun;Lee, Jun-Ho;Jeong, Jin-Ho;Jeon, Yeong-Se;Kim, Yeong-Ju;Kim, Yeong-Geun 1
We proposed the two-dimensional (2D) / three-dimensional (3D) convertible modified integral imaging system using functional polarizing film named
$imazer^{TM}$ , which transfer or scatter the incident light ray according to the polarizing direction of ray. When the incident light rays transfer to$imazer^{TM}$ , the rays generate 3D image through the process of the modified integral imaging system. However, the scattered light rays generate 2D image through the simple backlight scheme when the incident rays are scattered by the film. The proposed method can be implemented the partial 3D display system without any mechanical movements. In this paper, we propose and verify our system using some basic experiments and its results. -
Sin, Seung-Bong;Jeong, Chang-Hyeon;Lee, Gyeong-Gu;O, Chi-Hwan;Yu, Gi-Seon;Gang, Hui-Jeon;Park, Jong-Seon;Choe, Chang-Ho 38
친환경, 신 재생에너지 중 하나인 태양광은 크게 발전용과 조명용으로 사용될 수 있다. 자연채광시스템에 주요부품인 태양광을 전달하는 자연채광용 유리광섬유를 국내최초로 개발하였다. 적용된 자연채광시스템에 대해 소개하고 광섬유와 광케이블의 기본구조, 광학적 특성, 벤딩조건에 따른 조도변화 및 스펙트럼을 분석하였다. 조명용 뿐 만 아니라 식물성장용으로도 사용가능하여 지하농원 등의 적용이 가능하다. -
Shin, Hyeon-Gi;Min, Hae-Sik;Kim, Sung-Soo;Song, Sang-Hoon;Cheong, Hyeon-Sik;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Oh-e, Masahito;Kim, Do-Seok 48
Lee, Sang-Beom;Yang, Ju-Hui;Mun, Song-Gi;Lee, Su-Yeong;Sim, Jeong-Bo;Kim, Sang-Uk;Lee, Jae-Hyeong;An, Gyeong-Won 60
Yang, Ju-Hui;Lee, Sang-Beom;Mun, Song-Gi;Lee, Su-Yeong;Sim, Jeong-Bo;Kim, Sang-Uk;Lee, Jae-Hyeong;An, Gyeong-Won 62
Hong, Hyeon-Gyu;Seo, Won-Taek;Lee, Mun-Ju;Song, Yeong-Hun;Jo, Yeong-Tak;Lee, Jae-Hyeong;An, Gyeong-Won 84
Kim, Lee-Jong;Choe, Il-U;Lee, Seong-Gu;Seong, Jae-Hui;Yu, Tae-Jun;Yun, Hyeok;Gang, Seung-U;Lee, Chang-Won;Jin, Yu-Yong;Lee, Jong-Min;Karol, Janulewicz;Kim, Hyeong-Taek;Lee, Jong-Min 90
We proposed the laminate thin film asymmetric Extruded-closed-polygon diffusion pattern that was able to improve the performance of back light unit. Developed a pattern of brightness and bright line, half-power angle attribute the improved performance in the uniform, and through the formation of a thin film stackable diffusion layer 970% improved perpendicularity brightness, and 580% improved horizontality brightness.
Lee, Ho-Yeol;Kim, Dae-Chan;Jang, Hyeon-Jun;Lee, Uk-Hui;Song, Jong-Seop;O, Beom-Hwan;Park, Se-Geun;Lee, Il-Hang;Lee, Seung-Geol 129
In order to determine the aberration coefficients of an aspheric lens with a small diameter, its transmitted wavefront was compensated with a null CGH and an auxiliary convex lens. The configuration of the measuring system and the fabrication step of CGHs could be simplified by using a reflective amplitude-type CGH as null optics. The compensated waterfronts of several sample lenses were measured and analyzed, and consequently the performance of the CGH was evaluated. -
We have presented our approach to build a 3D display system based on digital holography. For wide viewing angle, we have presented several techniques such as measurement, time-sharing display, and coherent amplification. These techniques can advance the wavefront 3D display system to next stage.
최근 신경과학 분야에서 대뇌피질 영역 간 연관성 분석은 신경학적 질병 (자폐증, 간질, 정신 분열증)의 분석 및 진단에 적용되고 있다. 기존 대뇌피질 영역 간 연관성 분석은 뇌전도 (EEG), 기능적 자기공명영상 (fMRI), 뇌자도 (MEG)등이 이용되었지만, 뇌전도의 낮은 공간분해능, 기능적 자기공명영상의 낮은 시분해능 등은 영역 간 연관성 분석에 단점으로 작용되고 있다. 반면, 근적외선 분광법(NIRS)은 대뇌피질에서의 혈류변화(oxy-, deoxy-hemoglobin)를 비침습적이며 빠른 시분해능으로 측정할 수 있는 방법으로 최근 신경과학 분야에 응용되고 있다 [1-2]. 본 논문에서는 근적외선 분광법을 이용한 대뇌피질영역 간 연관성 분석의 효용성을 입증하기 위해, 쥐의 수염자극 시 대응되는 지역 (일차-, 이차 체감각피질, 일차 운동피질 영역)에서의 혈류변화 신호의 영역 간 연관성 분석을 하였다. 본 연구결과에 의하면 수염자극 시 일차-, 이차 체감각피질 영역에서의 방향성은 확인할 수 없었고, 일차-, 이차 체감각피질 영역에서 일차 운동피질영역으로의 방향성은 확인할 수 있었다. 본 결과는 기존 수염자극 시 활성화되는 전기신호의 패턴과 일치하며, 향후 신경과학적 질병의 분석 및 진단에 근적외선을 이용한 대뇌피질 영역 간 연관성 분석이 유용할 수 있음을 보여준다.
In this study, a new accommodation-dependent crystalline lens with a constant volume and homogeneous refractive index is developed. The human lens parameters, such as curvature and thickness, are calculated at the central parts of the lens, and the asphericity is adjusted at the peripheral parts of the lens due to accommodation. We propose a accommodating schematic eye which is suitable for easy paraxial calculations because the refractive index of the lens remains uniform and constant.
A hologram was recorded with two-dimensional scanning of an optical fiber connected to a single-photon counting detector under ultra-weak illumination. The object image was clearly reconstructed in a computer from the hologram. The dependence of hologram quality on the illumination light intensity was estimated.
Kim, Uk-Rae;Park, Chang-Won;Kim, Jeong-Ryul;Choe, Yeong-Un;Gang, Seong-Sam;Im, Su-In;Lee, Ye-Ri;Kim, Jae-Wan;Im, Ji-Sun;Lee, Jae-Hyeong;An, Gyeong-Won 175
Jo, Eun-Gyeong;Lee, Hong-Won;Won, Jong-Myeong;Sin, Gi-Ryang;JeGal, Won;Jo, Yong-Jae;Jo, Hyeon-Mo;Jo, Jae-Heung 181
Jo, Yeong-Uk;Kim, Jeong-Hyeon;Kim, Ju-Hyeon;Kim, Hyeong-Seop;Jo, Seong-Hun;Hong, Myeong-Seon;Kim, Yun-Ho 191
Jeong, Gyeong-Bok;Gong, Gang-Jun;Jo, Yong-Jae;Myeong, Yun;Kim, Han-Seong;Park, Jeong-Hui;Maeng, In-Hui;Son, Ju-Hyeok;Yu, Nan-Lee;Gang, Cheol 193
Lee, Won-Gyu;Park, Chang-Yong;Yu, Han-Yeong;Kim, Eok-Bong;Park, Sang-Eon;Yu, Dae-Hyeok;Mun, Jong-Cheol;Lee, Seon-Gyeong;Seo, Ho-Seong 213
Kim, Eok-Bong;Lee, Won-Gyu;Park, Chang-Yong;Yu, Dae-Hyeok;Lee, Seon-Gyeong;Yu, Han-Yeong;Mun, Jong-Cheol;Park, Sang-Eon 215
Lee, Mun-Ju;Seo, Won-Taek;Hong, Hyeon-Gyu;Song, Yeong-Hun;Jo, Yeong-Tak;Lee, Jae-Hyeong;An, Gyeong-Won 219
Mun, Song-Gi;Yang, Ju-Hui;Lee, Sang-Beom;Sin, Yeong-Hun;Gwak, Ho-Jeong;Lee, Su-Yeong;Lee, Jae-Hyeong;An, Gyeong-Won 221
Sin, Yeong-Hun;Gwak, Ho-Jeong;Lee, Sang-Beom;Yang, Ju-Hui;Mun, Song-Gi;Lee, Su-Yeong;Kim, Sang-Uk;Lee, Jae-Hyeong;An, Gyeong-Won 223
In this paper, we report the characteristics of the continuous wave laser output of the
$lima{\varsigma}on$ -shaped InGaAsP microcavity laser pumped by current injection. In order to find the directions of emission far-field patterns are measureed by rotating an optical fiber around the microcavity. We observe high directionality of the$lima{\varsigma}on$ -shaped microcavity laser. For the analysis of lasing properties we also investigate its polarization and spectrum using the Glan-Thompson polarizer and spectrum analyzer. -
파장이 길고 에너지가 낮은 근적외선 영역 광자 두 개를 동시에 여기했다가 형광으로 방출하는 비선형 현상을 이용한 이광자 현미경은 살아있는 세포를 넘어 생체조직 깊은 곳에서 일어나는 생물학적 변화 관찰 및 3차원 이미지 해석이 가능한 매우 효과적인 장비이다. 그러나 상용화된 이광자 현미경은 매우 고가이고 응용의 다양성을 위한 구조적 변형이 매우 힘들다. 본 논문에서는 모드잠김 이터븀 광섬유 레이저를 이용하여 비용 효율이 높고 다루기 쉬운 이광자 현미경을 구현 하고자 한다.
Characterics of carrier-envelope-offset frequency (
$f_{ceo}$ ) of a femtosecond laser stabilized by the direct locking method were investigated using two f-to-2f interferometers. The stability of$f_{ceo}$ was comaparable to that achieved with a conventional PLL method. -
Lee, Ji-Yeong;Lee, Gi-Tae;Lee, Yong-U;Park, Seong-Hui;Cha, Yong-Ho;Jo, Jae-Heung;Jeong, Yeong-Uk 245
PDP용 형광체는 소성 후 입자간 결합부족으로 인한 탈락현상 및 셀 결함 불량과 Red, Green, Blue 간 유전율 불일치로 인한 방전불량 현상 등의 문제점을 안고 있다. PDP용 형광체의 소성 후 입자간의 결합력을 증진시키기 위하여 frit을 조제로 첨가하였고, 이에 따른 기계적, 전기적, 광학적 특성의 변화를 조사하였다. 사용된 frit은 자체 소결시 무색의 투명하고 ZnO-
$B_2O_3-SiO_2-Al_2O_3$ 계 비정질 세라믹 재료이며, 연화점은$499.78^{\circ}C$ 이다. 형광체 중량의 3${\sim}$ 20wt% 범위에서 frit의 첨가량 변화에 따른 영향을 조사하였다. Frit의 첨가량이 증가할수록 경도가 증진 되었고, 5wt% 미만 함유될 경우 Red, Green, Blue 형광체 모두 유전율 조절 효과가 미약하였다. Red 형광체는 frit함량이 3wt% 이상 함유되면 휘도가 90% 미만으로 감소하였고, Green과 Blue는 frit 함량이 10wt%이상 함유되면 확연하게 휘도가 감소 하였다. -
Baek, Sang-Hun;Hwang, Seong-Gi;Park, Gyeong-Ju;Lee, Jong-Hun;Gwon, Jin-Hyeok;Mun, Won-Taek;Kim, Seong-Hun;Kim, Byeong-Gu;Gang, Sin-Ho 268
An integral imaging system resorting to multiple birefringence lens arrays using Jones Matrix was analyzed and implemented. Each birefringence lens array was produced by placing a liquid crystal layer on a conventional lens array. Its depth of field was proved to be extended theoretically.
본 논문은 다중 분광 HDR 이미징 시스템 개발에 관한 연구로써, 기존 점 기반의 분광방사휘도계의 단점을 보완하기 위해 고안된 시스템이다. 기존 분광방사휘도계는 한 점의 분광방사 휘도 값을 측정할 수밖에 없기 때문에, 여러 개의 샘플을 찍을 때 많은 시간이 드는 단점이 존재한다. 본 연구에서는 HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) 생성 기술과 다중분광 이미징 기술을 이용하여 시스템을 구성하였다. 상용 분광방사휘도계와 다중 분광 HDR 이미징 시스템으로부터 나온 값을 직접 적용(fitting) 하여 효율적이고 정확한 시스템을 개발하였다.
Kim, Se-Min;Kim, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Seung-Hun;Hwang, Seok-Hyeon;Kim, Mi-Gyeong;HwangBo, Chang-Gwon;Kim, Gyeong-Heon 288
We report an optimum fabrication condition for formation of concave lens shaped core cross-section of silica single-mode fibers with hydrofluoric (HF) acid solutions and arc discharge. A desired depth of curved cross-section of the silica fiber core and its surface smoothness were obtained with optimized concentration of the HF solution, etching time, and arc discharge condition. -
Use of a DLP-beam projector is proposed to measure solar cell quantum efficiency distribution. The measurement requires a good spatial uniformity of the beam from the projector. We measured the spectral power distribution of the beam projector and the spatial uniformity of the white beam. By changing the gray level of the white beam at the measured spatial points, we improved the spatial illuminance uniformity to be about 2 % which was otherwise as much as 400 %.
Kim, Seung-Yong;Jeong, Sang-Cheol;Kim, Dae-Chan;Ju, Dong-Ik;Choe, Tae-Il;Lee, Baek-Gyu;O, Beom-Hwan;Lee, Seung-Geol 300
In order to design a special illuminator required for an automated optical inspection system, distributions of illuminating angles and intensities of illuminating rays incident on a specimen surface are taken into consideration. This methodology is tried to optimize coaxial illuminating systems by using the specially-coded program. -
Choe, Hyeon-Uk;Lee, U-Gyeong;Pyeon, Min-Uk;O, Ju-Hui;Gwon, Yeong-Sang;Han, Seong-Hong;Kim, Ui-Jeong;Sim, Chang-Ho;Ji, Seong-Jin 303
Won, Jong-Myeong;Jo, Eun-Gyeong;Lee, Hong-Won;Jo, Jae-Heung;JeGal, Won;Jo, Yong-Jae;Jo, Hyeon-Mo;Sin, Gi-Ryang 314
Lee, Hong-Won;Jo, Eun-Gyeong;Won, Jong-Myeong;Sin, Gi-Ryang;JeGal, Won;Jo, Yong-Jae;Jo, Hyeon-Mo;Jo, Jae-Heung 316
In this paper, we use multi-point sources to illuminate the sample in digital holographic microscopy. The resolution of digital holographic microscopy is enhanced without shifting the CCD camera. The specimen is illuminated from many directions by using multi-point sources which are easily created by a lens-array. The high frequency information of specimen can be captured at a fixed position of CCD camera. All information is then synthesized to increase the resolution.
We present an analysis on the quality factors of the Fourier hologram generated from multiple orthographic view images of three-dimensional object. In the analysis, we analyze both the maximum size of the reconstructed object and its spatial resolution. For the maximum size of the reconstruction, we found that the main factor is the orthographic projection angle interval. Too large projection angle interval causes overlapping in the reconstruction space domain. For the spatial resolution, there are three factors, i.e. the capturing lens array pitch which determines the spatial sampling rate of the original three-dimensional objects, the maximum orthographic projection angle, and the spatial frequency bandwidth of the object. The dominant factor is determined by the relationship between those three factors.
Park, Jun-Hui;Jeong, U-Jin;Song, Myeong-Geun;Kim, Hun-Hwa;Gu, Gyeong-Hwan;Kim, U-Gyeong;Lee, Han-Yeong;Lee, Ju-Han 341
Pump wavelength dependence of the gain spectra was investigated by simulating the model of single-pumped fiber optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs). Conditions for the single-pumped FOPAs having broad bandwidths with relatively large gains were optimized and the gain bandwidth was found to be as large as 146.4 nm when signal power and pump power were 316 nW and 7 W, respectively.
This paper reports experimental results on temporal characteristics of injection-locked polarization switching of a conventional type 1.55-
${\mu}m$ wavelength single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). The polarization of external injection beam was kept orthogonal to main mode of VCSEL. The relation for variation of intensity of two polarization modes of VCSEL with wavelength detuning for various repetition rates of injection pulse is reported. -
본 논문에서는 Z-cut Congruent
$LiNbO_3$ 패브리-페롯 에탈론에서 다중빔간섭에 의한 간섭무늬의 위상변화 분석을 이용한 넓은 파장영역에서의 전기광학계수${r^T}_{13}$ 측정방법을 소개한다. 광통신파장 영역의 넓은 파장대역을 갖는 SLD를 광원으로 사용하여 전기광학계수의 분산을 측정하였으며 마하젠더 간섭계 구조에서 벌크형태의 샘플로 측정한 결과 값과 비교하였다. -
Seo, Jeong-Gi;Yu, Uk-Jae;Jo, Dong-Hyeon;Jang, Gyeong-Won;Heo, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Bong-Su;Mun, Ju-Hyeon;Park, Byeong-Gi;Jo, Yeong-Ho 365
Heo, Ji-Yeon;Yu, Uk-Jae;Jo, Dong-Hyeon;Jang, Gyeong-Won;Seo, Jeong-Gi;Lee, Bong-Su;Park, Byeong-Gi;Mun, Ju-Hyeon 367
Yu, Uk-Jae;Mun, Jin-Su;Jo, Dong-Hyeon;Jang, Gyeong-Won;Seo, Jeong-Gi;Heo, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Bong-Su;Mun, Ju-Hyeon;Park, Byeong-Gi 369
Eom, Seong-Hun;Park, Jae-Hui;Kim, Gyeong-Chan;Kim, Gwang-Taek;Lee, Wan-Gu;Gang, Jin-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Hun 380
Choi, E.Y.;Kim, E.S.;Lee, Hyun-Hee;Woo, J.H.;Kim, J.;Kang, Bo-Young;Wu, J.W.;Hong, Tae-Y.;Kim, Jae-H. 382